How to interview the babysitter

We all dream of Julie Andrews leaving Smiles and Tears (in some countries, The Rebel Novice) to take care of our children. But as that is not possible, in icanguro they give us some guidelines to find the person who will best handle them.

It is advisable to have some questions prepared so as not to forget anything. The first and one of the most important is what experience do you have in childcare? Then, determine the functions that you should fulfill for what you can give an example of what a day with the children would be like. We have to make it clear what we expect from her and what work we want her to do (if she has to cook, feed them, go get them to school, bathe them, etc.).

While speaking it is important to observe their manners, their way of speaking and their personal appearance, which they will tell you a lot about the person. Sometimes, as much as she seems to be the perfect babysitter, something tells us that she is not the ideal person. Ask him also for his qualities, languages, first aid, if he knows how to cook and so on. The safety chapter is paramount, we want you to be aware of where the dangers are and how to prevent them. It is not the same either to know his concept of discipline and try to decipher if he is a responsible and patient person.

Your child or children can be present to see how he relates to them, if he is affectionate, pleasant and you can even ask the children later what they think of her. Your opinion is also very important.

Finally, determine the salary, hours you would work, days off and vacations, to avoid subsequent misunderstandings.

When the interview is over, reflect on what they have discussed and ask yourself the following questions: Is it someone who genuinely likes children? Does he seem responsible and mature enough to take care of the work? Would it add value to the education and development of my children? Do you have good principles and ways of thinking? Would you adapt to our kind of life, customs and home? Could you establish good communication with that person?

To stay calmer you can check the references by calling other mothers who have employed it. You can also set a trial period to see how it unfolds and if the children are happy.

Video: 17 Questions to ask when interviewing for a babysitter (July 2024).