Skin care during pregnancy

The skin is the largest organ in the body that becomes more sensitive during pregnancy and requires special attention. Good conduct in terms of care It is essential at this stage.

There are four basic premises that you must adopt: a good hydration of the skin of the whole body, a high facial sunscreen, an anti-stretch cream from the third month and a balanced diet.

If you are pregnant in summer, you should use a high sun protection factor throughout the body to prevent stains. It is not the time to be super brunette, so avoid exposure to the sun between 11 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon and renew the protective cream after each bath. The skin is more sensitive to the sun's rays and in a short time you will quickly color. Irregular brown spots with milk that appear on the face, called chloasma or melasma, are due to the sum of hormonal action and sun exposure. It is more frequent that they appear in women who get very brunette, but if they have come out, it is not advisable to use depigmenting or bleaching creams until after delivery.

Because of the increase in estrogen during pregnancy, you may get warts, but they will surely disappear after delivery. If your moles grow or change color or shape, go to the dermatologist.

As for the diet, it is also necessary to hydrate inside with two liters of water daily and consume foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin C present in kiwi, broccoli, tomato, strawberry, pineapple, orange and lemon

Video: 10 Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Know. Do & Don't (July 2024).