Patented the smell of Play Doh modeling clay, you know what it smells like?

All children have ever played with modeling clay. If you have not done so, we recommend it because it is a very beneficial activity for the development of manual skills that at the same time stimulates the creativity of the little ones.

One of the best known brands is Play Doh, from the Hasbro company, which has just patented the smell of plasticine. If there is something for which this mass mark is remembered to play it is because of its smell, which by the way smells very good. It is difficult to define exactly what it smells like, but its creators have discovered it.

What does Play Doh modeling smell like?

To patent the smell of plasticine they had to explain exactly what does it smell like in order to register the aroma. According to Hasbro, Play-Doh has "a sweet vanilla fragrance, slightly musky, with light hints of cherry, combined with the aroma of a salty wheat-based dough."

It seems the description of the notes of a wine, but it is one of the most popular toys among children around the world. Children entertain themselves a lot by molding modeling clay and creating figures. It is a fun and stimulating activity, especially in preschool age to help develop fine motor skills.

Is it toxic?

The good smell, coupled with the fact that children are explorers by nature, can make them take it to their mouths and want to try it. While we must try to avoid getting it in the mouth, if accidentally ingested, we must know that the brand ensures that the clay is made of water, salt and flour, and that it is not toxic.

It also clarifies that special care should be taken in case of having celiac children, since being made of wheat flour contains gluten.

What if I don't want to buy it?

The Play Doh brand is one of the best sellers, with fairly convenient prices. For example, you can buy 20 plasticine cans for 16.95 euros, sets to make meals for 11.99 euros or to make ice cream for 16.36 euros.

But if you do not want to buy it, you also have the option of making homemade modeling clay with ingredients that you have at home, or salt paste, although they dry out and it is also not convenient for them to ingest them because of their high salt content.

Play-Doh - Super color pack, 20 boats (Hasbro A7924EU6)

Today in Amazon for € 18.90

Play-Doh Barbecue (Hasbro B5521EU6)

Today in Amazon for € 12.90

Play-Doh Ice Cream Castle, multicolored (Hasbro B5523EU6)

Today in Amazon for € 28.87

Video: Hasbro Has Officially Trademarked The Smell of Play-Doh (July 2024).