"It is a snow fairy": the tender reaction of a five-year-old girl to meet her sister with very albinism

When Taylor Dunnavant discovered that she and her fiancé, Chris, were expecting a baby they never imagined she would be born with albinism. He albinism is a genetic abnormality It occurs in one of every 20 thousand newborns, which is characterized by a deficient production of melanin, resulting in a lack of pigmentation in the skin, hair and eyes affecting the vision of children.

Everyone stayed in shock seeing that at birth the girl had completely white hair, but the biggest concern was how her five-year-old daughter Brooklyn would react to the "different" appearance of her newborn sister. The girl had the most tender reaction: "It's a snow fairy. She looks like Elsa from Frozen," he said when he saw her for the first time.

Elegant Illusion Photography

The girl was called Noralynn, and when it was time to introduce her to her sister Brooklyn, everyone was surprised at her words:

"I didn't have to tell her anything. She told me that her sister was a snow fairy, and then that she was related to Elsa. She should have known that children don't see differences," her mother told the magazine. People.

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The mother wonders how is it possible that he had a baby with albinism. "Since neither of us had family members that we know have albinism, we were completely confused," he says. The genetic counselor explained that albinism is a recessive gene, which means that both the mother and the father must have the gene for the baby to receive it. The other option is for the baby to mutate the gene alone.

Photos | Elegant Illusions Photography
Via | People
In Babies and more | The exciting moment when an albino baby sees his mother's face for the first time thanks to a pair of glasses

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