Why is it a bad idea? The seven mistakes of Nutrispoon, the spoon with support for the mobile to feed the baby

Nutribén's latest invention, a brand specializing in infant feeding, is a very bad idea. It is called Nutrispoon and it is a spoon with support for the mobile that, when installing an application, projects holographic images while feeding the baby.

The device did not like the experts or many parents who flooded the networks with criticism of the brand. Not all innovation is good when it comes to encouraging good eating habits in the baby. We explain the mistakes we see in the spoon concept.

Update 11/3: The video inserted here is no longer available. It has been eliminated by Nutribén, as we can read in this tweet.

Official brand statement: pic.twitter.com/k0YNMZ42u0

- Nutriben (@FamiliaNutriben) March 11, 2018

The parents of the ad say that "Now it is much easier to feed him and we enjoy the moment more" and the brand maintains that the product has been developed by a multidisciplinary team of engineers, programmers and psychologists. But we see several errors:

1) Screens before two years

Already starting, a mobile interfering at mealtime is counterproductive for the little ones, no matter how much fun you project. Recall that the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests avoiding the exposure of babies up to 18 months to the screens and adds that the use of devices before two years could delay the development of speech in children.

2) Eat mechanically

While they eat, they seem to have fun and eat everything faster and without protest. But there is the problem. When the child eats in front of a screen, he eats mechanically, without paying attention to what he eats. This prevents the baby, who is learning to eat, can properly enjoy the different flavors and can learn to recognize the different textures of food, essential to establish a positive relationship with the food.

3) Play with food yes, play while eating no

The announcement mentions that it is positive for children to play with food. And yes it is. It favors cognitive development and completely enriches your food experience. But let them play with the food, touching, exploring, tasting, savoring and choosing new food, don't play while eating. There is a big difference.

4) Increase the risk of obesity

That mechanical action of eating helps the child eat more losing the sense of satiety. According to a CinfaSalud study, 71% of small Spaniards eat while watching television, watch a tablet or manipulate a smartphone, a bad habit that increases the risk of childhood obesity.

5) Not good for the eyes

The images are projected only a span of the baby's eyes, and can cause eye irritation and affecting your developing vision.

6) Do not interact with parents

Time to eat should be a moment of interaction with the baby, without interference from screens. Creating a positive environment around the family table is essential in the nutritional education of our children. This is how they learn since childhood a space of communication between family members and not just a table where we sit down to eat while everyone looks at the screen of their mobile (something that unfortunately happens a lot today).

7) Neither plane nor deception

Food is not a matter of deceit or forcing the child to eat everything. Coerce them with toys, tricks or holographic images so they don't pay attention to food ends up being counterproductive.

If there is something they do not like, or your child is picky about food, do not press them. It has been shown that until a baby accepts a new food it must have been offered before about 10 and 15 times. Babies choose, they try, they learn to eat naturally, without tricks or shortcuts.

The experts, outraged

The pediatrician Julio Basulto considers it a "dangerous madness", while Alberto Soler, father and psychologist does not give credit that is real.

Thank you, I was on the case thanks to @asolers: //t.co/UykG169jT4 What a dangerous majadería.

- Julio Basulto (@JulioBasulto_DN) March 8, 2018

I can't believe it ... it can't be true ... It turns out that @FamiliaNutriben have developed a BABY spoon with built-in MOBILE SUPPORT. And no, it's not a joke, it's real. You can see it on their website ... Are we all crazy? Stop this that I get off, really (-‸ლ) pic.twitter.com/1LGvEZipIM

- Alberto Soler (@asolers) March 8, 2018

The Nutribén reaction

Upon announcing the launch, the negative comments towards Nutrispoon began to rain, and the brand did not react well to the criticisms received on Twitter: "How serious is it to get like this?"

It is only an alternative, a prototype for if at any time a father wants to feed his children and have a little fun with them in a different way. How serious is it to get like this? We respect all opinions but we believe that all this is being taken out of context already ...

- Nutriben (@FamiliaNutriben) March 8, 2018

A lot of stir with #nutrispoon from #nutriben. At this step it will be trending topic. Know that it has been developed by a multidisciplinary team of engineers, programmers and psychologists, among others, no matter how much you think of a news from @elmundotoday ;-)

- Nutriben (@FamiliaNutriben) March 8, 2018

Nutrispoon is already a reality, but we have not yet developed its production at an industrial level. Born as a tested prototype. It is not commercialized. More than to say (that too) we recommend you to participate in the contest and opt for a >> //t.co/oNBklkRMyh

- Nutriben (@FamiliaNutriben) March 8, 2018

The attitude of not accepting criticism or apologizing, made some respond with greater emphasis:

Hear @FamiliaNutriben, putting child health at risk, as @asolers (//t.co/UykG169jT4) has said, and not only not apologize but be offended is the last straw. //t.co/OHCQybTX1c

- Julio Basulto (@JulioBasulto_DN) March 8, 2018

Finally, after the stir caused and as to settle the controversy, Nutribén hung in a statement that clarifies that "the spoon is not marketed and that it is only a communication element."

#NutriSpoon # Nutribén pic.twitter.com/VXiYIODawC

- Nutriben (@FamiliaNutriben) March 9, 2018

If they planned to market it, seen what they saw, they might think better.

In Babies and more | Eating habits in children: parents are not doing well, why not force babies to eat: neither the plane, nor the pacifier or cheat with something else

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