"At this moment I am not a friend of my daughter. She is not my friend, she is my daughter," says actress Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis is one of the actresses who since becoming a mother, has been taken as inspiration for many. From her position of defending breastfeeding in public or stating that she and her husband decided not to give gifts to their children at Christmas, Mila shares various aspects of her facet as a mother.

Now the actress has stated that She doesn't consider herself a friend of her 3-year-old daughter Wyatt, because it's not the time to be.

In an interview for "The Edit" of the Net-a-Porter site in which she talks about her motherhood with two young children, the actress comments on various situations she lives in day to day with her children.

One of the points she mentions is that "no father would like any of his children to grow up and become a moron", and comments that she wants to raise a son with whom she would like to be her friend.

However, he clarifies that there is a difference about when we can be friends with our children:

At this time I am not friends with my daughter. She is not my friend, she is my daughter. But later in life, it would be like the way I see my mother. When I was in my twenties, she became my friend.

The actress's statement is one with which many mothers agree, since as much as we want to be our children's best friends, we are her parents first, and we must always make it very clear what is the role of each in the relationship.

Does this mean we should not be friends with our children? Of course not, we can and should be a person they can turn to when they need it and they can trust, but always doing it from our role as parents, responsible for their education and training.

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