Girls change the world: # GirlsAlPoder on International Girl's Day

Today is celebrated on International Girl's Day in recognition of the rights of all girls in the world. A necessary date to raise awareness in society about the situation of vulnerability of girls in the world and the need to invest in them as a key to development.

Girls from all over the world will occupy positions of power tomorrow. Around one thousand one hundred million girls are part of a large and vibrant world generation ready to take on the future.

As UN-Women observes, the UN agency in charge of promoting gender equality, girls go to school, help at home, work in factories, make friends and friends, take care of their older and younger relatives and prepare to assume The responsibilities of adult life. Girls play various roles in the home, society and the economy.

Girls' progress is not only good for them; so is it for their families, their communities, the nations and the world. Girls have always changed the world, and this generation can do even better. (United Nations)

Girls, the most vulnerable

I wish we did not have to celebrate the Day of the Girl, because it would mean that they are not in inferior conditions in front of the children. Unfortunately, girls, just because they are girls, are more vulnerable.

In many developing countries, they have fewer rights than children, do not access educationThey should stay at home taking care of their siblings or working while their siblings study, being more prone to marginalization simply because they are girls.

They are more likely than men to die in a disaster and are especially defenseless against atrocities such as child marriage, genital mutilation, teenage pregnancy, sexual abuse and violence.