A girl dies from fulminating meningitis in Catalonia (and the vaccine continues to arrive with an eyedropper)

Update 4/4/2017: The Secretary of Public Health of the Generalitat, Joan Guix, has confirmed that, according to the analyzes carried out, the fulminant meningitis that killed the girl was of type C and not B. Due to the fulminating nature of the disease, everything seemed to indicate that It was a case of meningitis B, so this article focuses on the concern about the lack of the Bexsero vaccine, against this type of meningitis. Knowing now the results of the autopsy, it is confirmed that it is a type C meningitis whose vaccine is free and is included in the vaccination schedule.

It seems unbelievable that we continue to report the deaths of children due to meningitis and the vaccine remains practically disappeared. Although it is more common in young children, the last case has been that of a 9-year-old girl from Manresa who was diagnosed with meningitis hours before her death. It was fulminant: the symptoms began on Thursday at noon, he entered the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Manresa at two in the afternoon and died at 4 in the morning the next day.

It is the second death in Catalonia due to meningococcal meningitis in 15 days (a two-year-old boy died in Girona last week). The logical concern of parents, has made the demand for the vaccine that comes months ago drops drops to pharmacies is triggered.

Alarm vs. Concern

The media talk a lot about not creating "alarm", but what parents would not be alarmed to learn about cases like this. Meningitis B occurs in very few cases, but You can play, and if you play it is very serious. According to the AEP, it affects between 400-600 people each year, has a mortality rate of 10 percent and 30 percent of those affected is left with a neurological sequel.

In Spain, they have been given 48 cases in the last six months. The fear of parents is logical and justified, even more so considering that the Bexsero vaccine against meningitis It is not included in the vaccine schedule, due to a lack of coordination between different administrations, and is not achieved in pharmacies.

Let us not forget, in addition, that not all families can afford it because of its high cost. Three doses are needed and each costs 106 euros. (In my case, with three girls, take account, 954 euros)

Waiting lists of eight months

As of October 1, 2015, the Bexsero vaccine was put on sale in the pharmacies so that parents could buy it, but getting it from the beginning was almost impossible mission.

Just 11 days ago, the Ministry of Health announced that the supply of the meningitis B vaccine in pharmacies was restored. They have said that several lots would be available that represent a total of 230,000 new doses. But nevertheless, the mismatch between demand and supply It remains abysmal and the new doses are not enough to meet late orders.

However, pharmacies report waiting lists of up to eight months to get the meningitis vaccine. The average is between 6 and 8 months, although in some cases it lasts more than one year. In a pharmacy you get to ask about 30 doses a day, and what comes a month are between 8 and 12.

Since the vaccine production process, manufactured by the GSK laboratory, is long and supplies are prioritized to countries such as the United Kingdom or Italy, where the vaccine is included in the official vaccination schedule, the doses that arrive in Spain are insufficient.

A vaccine that should be funded

What can we parents do? It is logical that we worry when our pediatrician recommends vaccination of children (the AEP includes it in their 2017 vaccination recommendations), but pharmacies do not have enough supply to meet the demand.

If the vaccine were included in the Spanish vaccination schedules, the manufacturers would give priority to supply it and there would be no shortage we have today. Apart from that it would end inequality, since it is not an affordable vaccine for most families.

Due to the difficulty in getting the vaccine, we explained a while ago what you can do if you only get one dose.

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