The breast cycle: before and after being a mother

If there is a before and after maternity that is obvious is the state of the breasts. The changes that occur in the chest that are prepared to feed the baby are very noticeable. Marta Lech-Maciejewska of the Polish blog SuperStyler has had the fun idea of represent the cycle of breasts before and after being a mother in a fun and graphic video, using fruits.

Not for everyone is a disappointment. Many women say that their breasts have been better after being mothers. This is how most see how their breasts "evolve" as the years go by. Do you feel identified?

Basically, it shows us four "stages" in the breast cycle: lemons (before being a mother), melons (pregnant), uneven mangoes (breastfeeding) and banana peels (what's left). Logically, it is done with irony and humor, since each woman is a world and as I said before, there are those who have been delighted with their new mother's breasts.

And of course, that this Do not discourage future moms to breastfeed their babies. Not breastfeeding for aesthetic reasons makes no sense, since the breast falls out of breastfeeding itself, falls because of the weight gain in pregnancy (the maternal breast tissue can increase about 900 grams during pregnancy), or after pregnancy, by age, by smoking ... Even so, if they fell by feeding the baby , What is more important?

Video: When Do Breasts Start Growing During Pregnancy? (July 2024).