Homoparental families: the important thing is not the form but the background

There are more and more homoparental families in our country and in general, all over the world but nevertheless, the feeling is that society in general has not yet been able to normalize the situation of children who have two mothers or two fathers.

Yesterday was LGBT Pride Day but perhaps inclusion and normalization is something we cannot and should not leave alone for one day a year.

The important thing about families is the background and not the form, whether they are homoparental or not.

Sadly society does not yet normalize the situation of children who have a family with two mothers or two fathers, a homoparental family in which they find affection and in which many find a home after an adoption.

The problem arises when leaving that home, when prejudice is seen when stepping on the street.

We talk about infinite personal circumstances, often adoptions of children who are aware of the change of leaving a reception center and becoming part of a family in which to grow up, a family to love and to feel loved and protected . Children who may even have changed countries and find that support and love in their two mothers or their two parents.

It is evident that society does not carry the same speed to normalize the different family situations that are created Although the important thing is attachment, humanization of relationships, protection from cruelty, respect and the construction of healthy human relationships, why is the family so important when we all agree? What is really the bottom line?

There are many children who do not even dare to comment that they have two mothers or two fathers among their schoolmates for fear of such prejudices.

Children, especially when they grow up and notice the prejudices on their skin, what they want is to feel included, who are part of the group, so some decide that hiding their family reality is the best way to protect themselves. This concealment sometimes causes them a lot of conflict and sometimes a tremendous confusion about their own life and their immediate surroundings and not so much about their own sexuality, as is often accused from prejudice and lack of information.

The conflicts or problems that this generates, in the end can be derived towards the people who love them until those secrets or those silences are overcome and filled with words, understanding and above all tolerance.

Little changes

Social communication, language, perhaps it would be good to start there so that children do not feel displaced or different for no reason.

On special days at school, father's or mother's day gifts wouldn't it be great to adapt them instead of eliminating them? It would undoubtedly help a lot more to normalize new family realities.

The tools to address this issue are essential and we have not always known, wanted or been able to give them to children. Perhaps we should start there before prejudging families, any family that bases their existence on love and mutual respect.

Photos | iStockphoto
In Babies and more | Emotional images of a homosexual couple with their baby in their arms for the first time | "Homo Baby Boom" documentary about homoparental families | Homoparental families also exist

Video: vines i quote on the daily (April 2024).