Pediatricians recommend that parents spend time with their children because their way of treating them is different from that of moms

We always talk about how important it is for the mother and the baby to establish a bond of love and respect that makes the mother, who is usually the primary caregiver, dedicate time, resources and care to the care of her child. It seems that when we talk so much about this bond and that mother-baby relationship, we sometimes forget a little about parents, whose role in raising children is equally important.

Common sense confirms that a baby grows better in a warm environment in which he feels loved and is also found by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in a study in which he concludes that parents have to spend a lot of time with their children why by their way of playing and interacting with them they provide many benefits.

Current parents are more involved in the care of their children

Times are changing and fortunately we are leaving behind a dire time for children in which authoritarianism and machismo were imposed on care; Today's parents are more involved in the care of their children than those of past generations and many no longer want to talk about them in terms of "helping mom very much with the children", but advocating that they are simply "taking care of his children "as one more, because the baby belongs to both of them, their mother and their father.

Well, according to the AAP, this involvement of parents in the lives of children can become very positive because fathers do not usually do with children the same as mothers do. This seems to have an impact on children's language, which is better, and on better mental health (children have better overall behavior when parents become more involved). In addition, if we talk about older children and even teenagers, the presence of parents in parenting decreases the symptoms of depression, causes fewer behavioral problems and is also reflected in lower adolescent pregnancy rates.

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The parents game is more intense

As we read in the study, which has been published in Pediatrics, parental play tends to be more intense, more vigorous, and promotes that children take more risks and be more daring and explorers. Moms, on the other hand, tend to offer more stability and security. When it comes to offering it to children, neither is better than the other, but together they become complementary and beneficial at the same time.

As explained in the study, at the language level, mothers often use words that the baby or child uses most often, the ones they understand best, while the parents do not take into account whether the baby or child understands or not, and thus add new words to the language of their children. In addition, the presence of the father (and his pheromones) while the daughters grow up seems to delay puberty and delay the age of onset of sexual intercourse, decreasing, as we have said, teenage pregnancies.

This does not mean, according to the study authors, that the children of single mothers or mothers whose partners are barely committed to parenting will go wrong. Simply explain that the presence of a male figure can be useful as a different stimulus than the mother can offer (In the same way it would be said that the female figure is positive if we talk about a man taking care of himself alone of his baby).

Parents can also be primary caregivers

The study also mentions that parents can play the role of primary caregivers, instead of always being the auxiliary support of the mothers, the one who arrives to take care of the child for a while while mom does other things she needs to do.

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Two years ago we talked about this by mentioning another study that explained that when a mother's brain is analyzed and compared to that of a father, it is observed that that of the mother has more activity in the tonsil (five times more) and in other emotional processing structures. This means that mothers care more, are more engaged and are more aware of the baby's warning signs, probably as a result of pregnancy, childbirth and having assumed the role of primary caregiver.

The fathers, on the other hand, activate more the areas of socialization and empathy, thus differentiating the care in which mothers care for their children when they cry because feel who are suffering while the parents attend to them because they know They are suffering.

Well, they saw that in cases where parents are the primary caregivers, the brain of man is capable of changing, of modifying, and of becoming behavioral. the same as that of mothers, activating much more often and being more emotional. This showed that men are also able to take care of babies with the same responsibility as a mother, although probably with different educational and relational techniques, as explained in the study we mentioned today.

Spend time with your children, even though you don't have too much

And what always happens happens, that parents don't have too much time to spend with their children because work and family reconciliation is equally unfortunate with them. This means that they must also fight for policies that allow them to spend more time with their children, and in the meantime do what is possible and impossible so that it happens, so that the child does not grow and becomes late; That time does not come when a father realizes that his son's childhood has already left, and with it the possibility of living it together.

Play with them, eat with them, talk with them, do activities with them, take advantage of the weekend to do things together, etc. This will make the relationship is better between father and children, that everything is easier at home, that everyone gets along better and loves each other more and that, rebound, those benefits that we have mentioned before, those that say that the more time the father spends with the children, the better everything goes.

Do you still think that taking care of children is a matter for mothers?

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Video: Spoilt Rotten Child Health Documentary. Real Stories (July 2024).