First time dad? So you can participate in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Often, when we talk about the process of change and adaptation of having a new member in the family, we think only of the newly released moms, forgetting a little about father figure. For them, fatherhood also means a before and after and a new situation to get used to. In many cases, the role of the father includes certain insecurities and doubts about not knowing how to act at certain times, especially with regard to breastfeeding. If you are a first-time father, in this article we give you some clues so you can support your partner at each stage.

A pregnancy of two

The best gift you can give to mom is your support and understanding. This accompaniment can be established from the first moment you know the news of pregnancy. Thus, each step and each decision you make as future parents can be agreed and joint. This may sound a bit utopian (because it is clear that there will be some differences) but the important thing is that, as a dad, you always listen and support your partner. For it, get involved in the decisions that revolve around the baby, such as the choice of furniture in your room; the decoration; the name search or the first purchases.

Whenever possible, accompany the mother to the tests; pregnancy controls and to maternal education and childbirth preparation classes. During the 9 months of waiting, show yourself understanding and attentive, especially if it is a complicated or heavy pregnancy.


Childbirth is the peak moment of pregnancy and a process that arouses many fears, and more if it is the first. There are several decisions that you must make before delivery: in what kind of center should give birth; if a natural or medicalized birth is desired or who will accompany the mother during the same and subsequent hours, among others.

But it will be in the delivery itself, during the dilation and expulsion phases of the baby, when mom will need all the support you can give her. No one better than her knows what is best for her at all times, so it is important to know how to listen to her and offer her the support she needs. Maybe your partner at that moment needs you to talk to her, give her a massage, distract her, make her laugh ... or on the contrary, she prefers silence, being calm and concentrating on the process. In any case let her know you're by her side and ask her what you can do to help her.

Quarantine, time of changes

While during pregnancy and childbirth your support is very important, during postpartum it is essential. This stage, also called quarantine or puerperium, is especially complicated because they occur many changes in the woman's body, both physical and emotional and hormonal. That is why quarantine is a delicate and sensitive moment of special consideration.

To all those changes that will occur, we must add the accumulated fatigue after pregnancy and childbirth; the adaptation to the new rhythm of life that means being one more at home; lack of sleep; many visits from family and friends who want to meet the baby ... So, dad, you must arm yourself with patience and compression because in those moments your partner will need to rest to recover, physically and emotionally.

At this stage it is convenient that take the initiative whenever you can in the routines and care of the baby, such as diaper or bath changes, to name a few examples. It is possible that the first few days you look overwhelmed. Try to take it easy and follow these tips for the first days at home with the baby.

How to get involved in breastfeeding

If your partner has opted for breastfeeding the baby, you can also be a participant and help her in several ways. First, respect your decision, since breastfeeding the baby is a very personal matter and she, as a mother, has the last word about it. Once breastfeeding has started, offer support, especially if difficulties arise typical of this process of adaptation, such as a bad grip on the baby or any discomfort. If the problem persists, help her find a breastfeeding support group to advise her and improve the situation, since breastfeeding should be pleasant and not painful.

We did not discover anything new by saying that you, as a father, will not be able to breastfeed the baby. But keep in mind that If the mother wishes to express her own milk, you can be of great help in some take, allowing her to rest and recover, that she can sleep more hours in a row or, even, that she can escape for a while by going out for drinks with friends. If so, keep these 5 tips in mind to choose a breast pump.

Replace mom in some shots

To feed the baby in the absence of mom, opt for a bottle that is as close as possible to the breast. The Natural Feeling bottle of Chicco adapts to the growth of the baby in a natural way, since it has three teats of different shapes: inclined, rounded and elongated. In the case of newborns, Natural Feeling 0m + has a specific inclined nipple for them, always full of milk to prevent air intake. It also has rings that give it greater elasticity and flexibility and a double anti-colic valve.

As the baby grows, your role in breastfeeding may also increase. In the event that the mother returns to work after the termination of the maternity leave of 16 weeks, the baby will need to continue drinking breast milk on demand until 6 months of age. Whether you are the one who gives the bottle with mom's milk, or if it is any other family member, keep in mind that it must be a bottle adapted to the baby's age, with different characteristics and greater capacity.

As you can see, your role as a father during the first months of the baby's life requires, above all, much love and understanding, but also of much implication in the care of the baby and also with regard to breastfeeding.

In Chicco Moments

  • Baby feeding after 6 months: complementing breastfeeding

  • Sport and motherhood: we tell you how to continue taking care of yourself

  • Practical advice for the first days at home with the baby

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Video: Tips for new dads (July 2024).