The danger of letting your child cry in the crib: get out suffering a terrible fall

This video is running through social networks not because of how a baby manages to get out of the crib, not because of the falls, but because of his crying, and by someone who shared it entitled it as "the video of the possessed baby".

If you look, you are not (obviously) possessed, but you are simply crying, asking for love and contact, and looking for ways to reach your parents' arms, even at the risk of getting hurt. Watch the video and realize what is one of the dangers of letting a child cry in the crib.

Child suffering, but much ...

We don't talk about the "possessed child", because it is clear that there is nothing like that in the video. What we see is a child of just over a year who suffers, and much, because he is alone. Alone, in a rather dark room and crying without anyone coming. Crying with time to fall not only once, but twice, and the second in a way that makes us all the creeps.

There are many reasons why a baby should not sleep alone if that causes him suffering and we have explained them here extensively, but in summary, we must attend him because if it is a stress, if it is a problem, its development may be affected for a state of alert too repeated (the more time they spend suffering fear, the less they can devote to learning).

And we must assist you because It is the logical response of the parents to the crying and demand of the baby. If we learn to ignore it, we will stop taking care of it as it really needs, being we who decide when it needs us and when not, when this is really subjective for each baby (each baby is a world, and that is why every baby has its own own personal needs).

Well, now we add another danger of letting a baby cry in the crib: a day comes when he learns to stand up.

When the baby does the impossible to escape the cradle

If a baby cries and suffers at night in his crib, if he sleeps in it suffering, what should be a quiet, peaceful and safe place becomes the opposite, in the cold, lonely and deep place from which he cannot escape to reach the peaceful, calm and safe arms of his parents.

And suffering in that way will try to leave, flee, to get there where he believes he deserves and should be. When I know how to crawl there won't be too much danger, but what happens when I walk and climb? What you see in the video: a baby that once falls back and that on the second day a dangerous somersault that could have had much worse consequences than we see in the video.

So, please, attend to your children

Yes, I know you have to sleep. I know that the next day you have to go to work. I know it is said that babies have to learn to sleep in their cribs, alone, to become independent. The problem is that babies do not know ... they do not know what a job is, what is seven in the morning or what it is to be independent. And since he does not know that we have created such a strange world in which babies have very little place, he claims what he deserves and needs to grow healthy and autonomous.

Because healthy and autonomous is the baby who feels loved and does not suffer for something as normal as sleeping, which is but one of many things we do without the need for anyone to teach us, giving exactly the same if we do it alone or accompanied , as long as we do it feeling at ease and in peace.

Video: 2 Year Old Sleep Training: How to Avoid Common Sleep Problems (July 2024).