What if you find out that your partner shares photos of your daughter with other pedophiles?

One of the greatest fears of all fathers and mothers, regarding our children, is that one day they will find an adult willing to abuse them in some way or ask them to do things without their consent, taking advantage of their innocence.

It is often said that pedophiles or pedophiles are often people in the direct environment: monitors, teachers, coaches, uncles, cousins, and in the case we tell you today even the father himself. What if you discover that your husband shares photos of your daughter with other pedophiles?

The police notified her of her husband's detention

This 41-year-old woman, whose name has not transcended, decided to explain her story to make people aware that sometimes the greatest danger is where you least expect it. One day, by surprise, without warning, she discovered by a phone call from the police that her husband had been arrested for accessing and downloading indecent images of children.

The reverse he felt was important. In a moment, in an instant, everything he had built with him fell at once and trust vanished. Nervously, trembling, she started thinking about her daughter Olivia, about the possibility that she had suffered some kind of abuse from her father. She would not forgive him, and she would not forgive herself.

But the police said no. That same morning they had gone to the school of the girl and, with the excuse of being doing surveys about the family life of the children of that school, they knew that the father had not reached that end.

He exchanged photos of his daughter in exchange for those of other children

Apparently, not only did he see pictures of naked children, but he photographed his daughter in the school uniform, and he shared his photos on pedophile websites, with other people, in exchange for other photos.

This exhibition of her daughter in such a place served her, the girl's mother, to make it even clearer that she wanted to be away from him, the more the better. So when he was released on bail the girl left to live with the grandparents. He didn't want to lie to his daughter, but he couldn't tell her the truth either, so he explained that Dad was sick and that he would be away for a while.

He tried to recover his life, to move on, but it was not easy, because he lived in a small town and took to the streets with the shame of imagining that everyone would know.

Weeks later he discovered that the story was even worse: they found in the father's mobile photos of the girl in the bathroom, naked. Apparently he had previously deleted them, but they managed to recover them. They were pictures of when she was 6 years old and until 7, and at that moment she felt the pain for all those times she was grateful that she took care of bath time with the girl. He was not being a caring father who looked after his daughter, but he did to get the photos he enjoyed and made other pedophiles enjoy.

Thirteen months in prison

Thanks to this test, and after admitting the crimes, he was sentenced to thirteen months in prison, where he entered in November last year and still remains. This imprisonment is what gave her strength to start a new life with your daughter: He has divorced, they have moved to another site and he is managing what is necessary to put an end to his parental rights.

And now, how do you tell your daughter?

One of the worst things is that once the truth is discovered, life changes and children do not know what happens. She has explained that her father is in jail for taking naughty photos, photos that he should not have taken, because he does not consider that he is old enough to hear the truth.

But he is aware that one day he will be able to search his father's name on the internet and find out what he did, and he does not want that to be the way to discover why his father one day suddenly disappeared from his life.

In any case, and it seems like a very wise decision, you have chosen to look less back, more forward, and start create new childhood memories for your daughter. Beautiful memories, moments of love, pleasant experiences, all without the presence of the father who lost his right to be at the time he played with the image and innocence of his daughter.

And what do we mean by this story?

Well, be careful. May you be aware that this happens, that there are people like that. That it is not always one of those things that "happen to others, but not to me", and that they, the children, are unprotected. It is we, the adults, who must try to prevent it from happening, because they tend to be silent because of the threats and manipulations of the abuser, or in the case of this girl, they do not even have the opportunity to speak, because she was not aware that her Father put her in danger.

Video: I Was Accused of Being a Paedophile While Taking My Daughter on Holiday. This Morning (July 2024).