Happiness does not understand chromosomes: World Down Syndrome Day

Surely, you all know some people with Down syndrome and surely you also agree with me that they are great people, full of sensitivity, push and optimism, values ​​that lately it is not easy to find. They are very special people, super affectionate, who with the necessary support can achieve great achievements and be extremely happy people. Why happiness does not understand chromosomes.

Today is celebrated on World Down Syndrome Day and an important fact to know is that Spain is the country in the world where fewer people are born with this genetic anomaly. For every 10,000 inhabitants it has gone from 17 at the end of the seventies to less than six today, but despite this decline there is a stable population of 35,000 people with trisomy 21 in our country, and about 1.6 million Children in the world.

Why March 21?

The story of why it is celebrated on March 21 is very significant, and is related to the condition of the disease. It was proposed by an association of Singapore joining significant numbers, on the 21st (in relation to chromosome 21) with March, third month of the year (for the trisomy, that is, an extra copy of chromosome 21 or a part thereof, in place of the usual two).

Down syndrome is characterized by a variable degree of intellectual disability, some effects on health and development, as well as some peculiar physical features that give it a recognizable appearance. The causes that explain the appearance of this genetic alteration are unknown, although a higher incidence has been identified in relation to the mother's age (very evident in ages close to or greater than 40 years).

Examples of overcoming: famous people with Down syndrome

It has not been easy for them, but they have broken all the barriers and placed at the top. They are examples of overcoming and perseverance, people with Down Syndrome who are recognized for their effort.

Jamie Brewer She was the first Down Syndrome model to parade in February 2015 on a New York catwalk, also famous for her role in the television series American Horror Story.

Pablo Pineda He won the Silver Shell as best actor at the San Sebastian Film Festival, for his role in the movie "Me too", where he plays a university degree with Down Syndrome. But it is not his only achievement: he was the first person with Down Syndrome to obtain a university degree in the European Union. He graduated in Teaching in Special Education and is about to graduate in psychopedagogy. In addition, he is a speaker and writer.

Kirra Troeger He became the first junior lifeguard in Los Angeles County with Down Syndrome with 11 years.

Tim harris He opened his own restaurant after graduating with certificates in Food Services, Office Skills and Restaurant Hosts.


To commemorate World Down Syndrome Day, the Down Spain Association has launched 'The reunion', its new and expected campaign to increase social awareness and visibility of people with this intellectual disability.

A beautiful video that excites us and makes us see how special these people are.

As you see me?

American actress Olivia Wilde and AnnaRose, a 19-year-old girl with Down syndrome, star in the campaign video under the #howdoyouseeme hastag (how do you see me?). She is a university student who works part-time in a physiotherapy center and also enjoys basketball and swimming, and above all, who lives a life equal to that of the other girls of her age. Put the subtitles in Spanish.

Video: HAPPY World Down Syndrome Day Welt Down Syndrom Tag #HAPPYDAY Pharrell Williams (July 2024).