Parents surprise their three daughters with a very special gift under the Christmas tree: an adopted baby

There are gifts and gifts, but the one who has asked for this family for Christmas is undoubtedly the most beautiful. His three daughters made a very special wish, although not always possible to fulfill: a little brother.

They made the necessary procedures to adopt a baby and without them knowing it, they went to pick it up and they placed it under the Christmas tree. The surprise and excitement of girls seeing their new brother for the first time is touching.

In Babies and more The excited crying of a girl to know that she will be adopted, moves social networks

The girls left their wish list (wish list) next to the Christmas tree, but his wish list did not include toys or costumes, or bikes. They wrote: "My wish for Christmas is that my mother and father have the baby they want so much."

And the wish came true sooner than expected. Little Nathan came into their lives wrapped in magic and Christmas illusion.

Without a doubt, these will be an unforgettable Christmas for the Solstad family, whose particular gift has already received thousands of likes through social networks.

Video: Parents Surprises Daughters with Adopted Brother Under The Christmas Tree (June 2024).