Dads and moms blogs: history of childbirth, medication and breastfeeding, school experiences and more

Like every week, we do one of the things we like the most. We take a tour of the blogosphere to discover what has been published in the dads and moms blogs in recent days. Welcome!

We love birth stories. When your baby's first year is up, in Batmami love We have a very complete account in three parts of the arrival of the Holy: Part I, Part II and Part III. Here it has been fulfilled that the second birth is better than the first.

In Diary of a computer mom We found an entry on the bad advice some doctors give regarding breastfeeding. In Medication and breastfeeding part 3: I no longer have sinusitis! We are glad to find out that although you were told to stop breastfeeding due to sinusitis, you are cured and could continue breastfeeding.

In Maternity Continuum They talk to us about something we should do more often with our children. It is one of the things I like to do with my daughters. And you, do you sing and dance with your children?

A post that has reached my soul because her daughter is 12 years old, almost the same age as mine, is that of Dr. Amalia Arce in Diary of a pediatrician mother. In Account with me he tells you that he will always have his support at an age when they begin to let go of our hand.

In 100% mom, Pamela shares her experience with Colecho as the mother of three children. It is a practice that has its detractors and its defenders, but that without a doubt has turned out to be a great solution for the nights of many families.

Finally, one just out of the oven I'm not a rookie father anymore about what usually happens to fathers and mothers of young children: who are tired all day. In Parents without batteries, he tells us that he is looking forward to the holidays. Cheer up!

As we always tell you, if you have a blog in which you talk about your maternity or paternity that is updated and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.

Video: Large Family Mom Baby #8 Gender Reveal, Natural Birth Plans, Plus Past Birth Stories! (July 2024).