Six guidelines to improve our children's snacks

Last week, on the occasion of the uproar raised by WHO when declaring processed meats as sausages and cold cuts, we asked the experts to answer our questions.

After an interview, we ask Carolina, Master in Human Nutrition and Health. Nutritional coach Responsible for the blog 24 Carrots that will help us a little and these are the six guidelines to improve our children's snacks and thus be able to have more options than industrial pastries, juice or cold cuts.

The snacks are not worth anything

Today we lead a life marked by the clock, which often means that we do not devote the necessary time to something as important as feeding ourselves, hence the precooked food or fast food restaurants triumph, because we do not have time to cook and sometimes we don't even have it to spend some time enjoying a good family meal.

In this day-to-day maelstrom, we end up skipping meals or taking the first thing we find. I mean breakfast and snack. With the first one, we usually prefer those ten or fifteen minutes more in bed than to prepare an adequate breakfast and of course with children the thing does not improve and much of the time we spend trying to leave house dresses, so many times we resort to the help of cocoa with cookies, juice bricks or drunk yogurts.

The same happens with the snack, with the plus that is usually the meal of the day to which we pay less attention. It is logical, we have the problem that many times we are not at home to prepare it since we usually give it to them as they leave school and are on their way to some extracurricular, with which in the end we pull the easy resource that is the pastries, cookies or the sandwich, With some exception, of course.

That is why we asked Carolina to give us some ideas for the snack to be taken out of this hand of jack, horse and king that end up being the afternoons at the end of the month.

  • Increase the amount of fruit our children eat offering it in the snack in segments or whole pieces. We can make it more attractive by preparing a small fruit salad or pricking pieces of various fruits as skewers.

  • Always avoid packaged juices, Even those made at home should not be taken every day.

  • Avoid industrial pastries and cookies. They are not healthy products and contain a large amount of fats and sugars, empty calories that contribute nothing to your body.

  • Occasionally we can bake our own biscuits using healthy ingredients, without refined sugars like a banana bread or a carrot cake, using those ingredients as a base and adding eggs, oatmeal, buckwheat, whole wheat, spices like cinnamon and sweetening with applesauce (without sugar ) or a small amount of good quality honey and olive oil.

  • Nuts are not our enemies. For a long time, or rather, during our time as adults we have been leaving them in the corner of "the things that gain weight", but the truth is that in moderation they are an interesting option of contribution of essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Of course, we must avoid those that come fried and salty. We can offer them together with fruit or by cutting them into a yogurt.

  • The sandwiches, a classic. We can offer whole grain bread sandwiches with egg and tuna fillings, serrano ham and natural tomato, avocado and hard boiled egg, etc.

With these small changes we will get used to our children to eat new things and not eat sweet daily. It may be a battle at first, but it depends on your health and of course your future.