When, pregnant, your hair and nails grow faster than ever

The hormones that the body secretes in pregnancy produce many changes in the woman's body, and hair and nails were not going to be an exception. Many women experience changes in strength and growth of your hair and nails during pregnancy, changes for the better.

This is the result of the profuse blood circulation caused by the hormones of pregnancy and that also reaches the skin cells, thus favoring that the hair look longer and that the nails must be cut more frequently (next to a more shiny skin ).

However, we cannot sing victory. Why, hopefully, your hair and nails will be better than ever during pregnancy, but you may not notice too many changes or, even, that the hair will get worse and you will notice it brittle and fragile, just like the nails. In any case, do not neglect a good diet that can favor the good state of hair, skin and nails.

In fact, food can also influence a better state of the hair, since in pregnancy many women begin to take care "really", being very aware of what it means to eat healthy, avoiding bad habits and also nutritional supplements favor that we do not lack any vitamin in those nine months.

And, of course, keep in mind that after birth you can notice a slowdown in this growth and even the hair can get spoiled, fall out in abundance ... against which we can also act if we want the previous aspect of the mane.

In my pregnancies, which were quite followed, the hair growth was very evident but I can say that after breastfeeding it began to reduce and now there is no way to grow ... Other things, no, but I really miss that less of that stage! And to you, Did your hair grow like never before in pregnancy?