Finally rest in peace: Andrea dies, the 12-year-old girl for whom her parents asked for a dignified death

Bitter news on this Friday in October. A very painful news that moves us especially who we are parents: Andrea, the 12-year-old girl has died who suffered a degenerative disease and for which his parents asked, with all the pain in the world, a dignified death.

Can you imagine what it can mean for parents to make such a decision, to ask that they please let your daughter die? Terrible.

For Andrea, life has not been fair. She had a rare disease, an irreversible neurodegenerative disease that had been admitted to the hospital of Santiago de Compostela for four months. Her parents, Antonio and Estela say she was going through an "unbearable suffering", "writhing in pain" and asked to stop her treatment to let her go in peace.

"We don't ask for euthanasia"

The parents wanted to make it clear whenever they did not ask for euthanasia for their daughter, they did not ask for a terminal sedation, but "not to prolong her life artificially for a longer time".

After judicial comings and goings, finally, four days ago, the hospital's medical team agreed to the parents' request and the artificial feeding was withdrawn. It was maintained with minimal hydration necessary for pain medications to take effect.

The outcome was a matter of time. It could be two, four or 40 days. And that day has arrived. There are no words for what these parents have suffered. Andrea has been surrounded by her closest relatives. He has stopped suffering. Rest in peace, little one.