Fake zucchini noodles with salmon. Summer recipe

Zucchini are a delicious product that is at its best in the months of July and August, although we find it without difficulty throughout the year. As we like cooking with seasonal products we have thought this great recipe for "cajole"to the children to eat more vegetables with these fake zucchini noodles with salmon, ideal for summer lunches and dinners.

As you can see in the picture, the appearance that is achieved with this vegetable is very similar to Italian pasta and with that deception, surely the little ones will be encouraged to try it. As it is delicious, once they taste it they will be delighted. This recipe can also be made with chicken pieces, minced meat or ham or bacon taquitos if you do not want to make it with salmon.

Ingredients for 3 people

  • 3 beautiful zucchini, 1 salmon loin of 250 g, evaporated milk and optionally grated cheese

How to make fake zucchini noodles with salmon

With the help of a mandolin or with a peeler we cut the zucchini into thin slices. Then, with a sharp knife, let's go cutting each zucchini sheet into two or three strips so that they resemble wide noodles.

We make the grilled salmon loin and once it is cooked, we crumble it trying to separate the flakes so that it has a better presence. We reserve the fish until the recipe is finished.

In a pan we put two tablespoons of olive oil and sauté the zucchini strips until they start to brown. At that time we add the evaporated milk and let them cook for two or three minutes.

We add the crumbled salmon, mix well and serve in deep plates, adding for those who want some grated Parmesan cheese to complete the deception. And running to the table to enjoy this dish while it is very hot.

Processing time | 15 minutes
Difficulty | Very easy


The recipe for fake zucchini noodles with salmon It is a great recipe for a light meal or dinner since it has barely any fat in its composition and has a flavor that all family members will like.

Video: How to Make Zavioli with Spinach and Ricotta. Zoodle Recipes. (May 2024).