Ricky Martin's emotional letter to his twins

Next Sunday Father's Day is celebrated in several countries of the world. That is why Time magazine has invited famous celebrities, including Ricky Martin, to write a word to their children to express what they mean to him.

The singer has always proven to be a great hit, at least that is what he shows in the interviews. I have always liked to hear him talk about his children, how he conceives his upbringing, how important it is for him to take care of himself, be together as long as possible and accompany him on his travels. It transmits a sensitivity and a warmth that is also perceived in this emotional letter from Ricky Martin to his twins.

It is really very pretty. Not only does he express how life has changed since his arrival, but he thanks them and encourages them to always be themselves. There are men who are born to be fathers, and he is one of them. I leave you the letter he has written to his twins Matteo and Valentino.

I have told you how, from the first moment I had you in my arms, I felt honored and blessed to be your father, but I don't think I told you how much you changed my life.

For years, I was clear that I wanted to become a father. I dreamed of this possibility that inspired me. When that dream came true, they cannot imagine the joy and emotions that invaded me. He looked forward to his arrival. I must have read how much paternity book there was to prepare for its arrival. Then, when I had them in my arms, time stopped. I felt the purest form of love I had known in my life.

Since that time, my trip with you has been an adventure full of joy. They have traveled the world with me since they were two years old. We have learned new things every day. I am surprised by everything you do and have inspired me to try new things, such as writing my first children's book. Above all, they have given me the strength to live an honest life. A life of courage and transparency that fills me with pride and peace.

What a great gift you have given me. I am eternally grateful. If there is anything I want for you, apart from your knowing that you are unconditionally loved by me, our family and friends, it is that you can be yourselves. Never let anyone or anything make you feel that you cannot be yourself. Whatever you decide to be or do, I will always be by your side.

Please feel confident about this and never forget it. He loves them. Daddy.