Universal measures to prevent infections during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a particularly delicate vital stage since we not only talk about the health of the mother but also that of the fetus. Also because, due to the physiological characteristics of the pregnant woman, she is more prone to suffer certain discomforts and diseases, the defenses decrease ...

Today we talk about the most frequent infections during pregnancy, where the different types of risks come from and what are the most effective prevention measures. Well, although most pathologies are not dangerous, nobody wants to suffer these infections and less if we are pregnant.

This is a document prepared by the Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women's Health and Reproductive that we find on the website of the Pan American Health Organization and summarizes in a table the universal measures to prevent those infections that put the health of the mother and the fetus at risk.

Some of these recommendations against infections (toxoplasmosis, syphilis, hepatitis, vaginitis, flu ...) we can skip (for example if we do not have cats or do not take drugs) but most are common, so pay attention to the advice.

Contact with adults

  • Respiratory or flu-like symptoms The flu in pregnancy can have complications, especially in the second or third trimester. Preventive measures are: avoid close or intimate contact with adults with communicable diseases, fever or flu symptoms (acute or recent). Wash your hands frequently and use alcohol gel after shaking hands with another person to say hello and before eating. Avoid sharing eating utensils or drinking from the same container. Ask about the need for vaccination.

  • Sexual contact. Maintain safe sex to prevent infectious diseases. If there is a risk of infection, the following recommendations should be followed: vaginal spermicides containing nonoxynol 9 (N-9) are not effective in preventing infectious diseases. Use male latex condoms systematically and correctly, handling them carefully and using them only once. Avoid practicing unprotected sex with a partner who has a known sexually transmitted infection (syphilis, genital herpes, HIV, hepatitis, etc.).

  • Blood contact If the woman plans to get a tattoo or a piercing, she must keep in mind that the instruments may be contaminated with another person's blood. Do not inject drugs, abandon injectable drugs (and ask for help for treatment, since hard drugs have very harmful effects on the fetus).

Contact with children

  • Respiratory or flu-like symptoms or contact and care practices with children under three years. Carry out careful manual washing with running water and soap for 15 to 20 seconds; apply alcohol gel on the hands after: exposure to physical fluids and changing a child's diapers; bathing your child in the bathtub (risk of contact with his urine); handle dirty clothes; touching toys and other objects used by children. Wear latex gloves that provide extra protection during diaper changes, bathing or when handling dirty clothes. Avoid close or intimate contact with children such as kissing on the mouth or cheek (kiss them on the head or hug them), share the bed, share towels. Avoid contact with babies' saliva when feeding them (do not share or taste food with the same utensils as spoons, forks and do not drink from the same container).

Food and water

  • Consumption, handling and processing. During pregnancy you have to take care of food safety more than ever. Avoid raw or undercooked consumption of any type of meat (and fish). It is necessary to reheat until they steam the precooked meats (sausages, sausages ...), this will avoid toxoplasmosis. Check hygiene guarantees and expiration date on refrigerated products and fresh food to eat (cold meats, hotdogs, pates and salads). Do not eat unpasteurized dairy products (including soft cheeses). Pate, spreads and smoked seafood can only be eaten if they are canned. Raw fruits and vegetables must be washed and peeled to avoid contamination with soil. Wash hands, knives and cutting boards after handling food or its raw fluids. Wash your hands very well after handling raw meat. Avoid untreated or unfiltered water.

Environmental risks

  • Soil and handling of animal feces. Wear gloves when working with soil. Avoid handling cat bowel movements and if you do, wear gloves and wash your hands immediately. If possible, it is advisable to keep cats indoors during pregnancy and not feed them raw meat. Avoid play places with sand (cats defecate in them). If we have cats, sanitize the place where they defecate every day.

  • Insect protection. If you live in an area of ​​endemic malaria, you should always cover the bed with insecticide treated bed nets.

Occupational hazards

  • Childcare centers and health institutions. Avoid working with children under three years of age that require handling diapers. If you work in a health service, you must take precautions using barrier methods (gloves ...) and safely handle blood, needles and other sharp or sharp objects.

As we can see, all women can be exposed to a greater or lesser degree to one or the other risk of infections during pregnancy. To the extent possible, we must try to follow the recommendations to prevent them and keep us safe, because although the most common are resolved without complications, sometimes they could pose a risk for the successful termination of pregnancy. Therefore, if you suspect that you could suffer an infectious process, go to the doctor.

Photos | iStock
Via | PAHO
In Babies and more | Pregnancy infections related to increased risk of autism, How to prevent vaginal infections during pregnancy

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