A great idea for children to read and write at home and school: a mail box

Today is the Day of the book and many schools celebrate it by rewarding children who have done better writing, those who read better, etc. It is a day when books are discounted and many parents take the opportunity to get new titles to enjoy with their children, or with which they can enjoy alone.

When they are young, they can be encouraged at the reading-writing level with stories and books that we can read to them and, by the time they start writing, with various ideas that will encourage them to write and read. a great idea that have been carried out recently in the school of my middle son, Aran, who does p5 (the last preschool course) is to implant a mailbox. I think that I wanted to share it with you.

What does it consist of

It's as simple as putting a mailbox in class or make a shoe box at home with a slot for children to put their cards. You leave them available papers and pencil or paper and work the magic.

To begin with this, Aran's teacher decided to write a letter to each child, which she left in the mailbox and, when opened, distributed to everyone. That letter was taken by each child and taken home. You can imagine the emotion my son and ours had when reading the message:

Aran, you are very funny and you do the addition and subtraction very well. I love being your teacher. Soraya

And on the cover he drew a rose, which is a detail that he loved. To us, parents, well, as you can imagine. If we already loved him, with details like that he got us to value her even more, because in the end what interests us most is that our children are respected and loved, treated with love and affection. Learn things? Sure but more important is to learn to be a person and also they can and should learn from the love and respect towards the teacher and the desire to learn.

Let them write and read

When they want, they can write messages to their classmates and each classmate will receive and read it. In this way powers the desire to read, because they want to know what it says, and powers the desire to write, because they want to respond to the sender. At home the same thing happens, we can leave messages when they are not there for them to read when they return and they leave us messages when we are not there so that, when we arrive, we look at the mailbox in case we have any letter.

Work confidentiality

Is there anyone today able to keep a secret? Well, sure, but it seems that more and more secrets are told voices and intimacy and confidentiality is quite at stake. It may not be as I explain, but I have that feeling. And if we work with children this since childhood?

The letter we received from our son must be confidential and intimate, unless he gives us permission to disclose the content. Similarly, they should act the same way upon receiving a letter from us or, in the case of class messages, not disclosing classmates' messages unless they agree to make it public.

Come on, that the correspondence box not only has as its mission that they read and write, but that they communicate, that they have a better relationship, that things are told and that, in addition, they value their ability to keep the secrets and privacy of Your conversations

Video: DIY Mail Box. How to recycle a Shoe Box to Letter Box. Post box making (July 2024).