Special mini burgers with candied onion sauce and gorgonzola. Recipe for children

Today we are going to prepare some delicious Special mini burgers with candied onion sauce and gorgonzola that will make us succeed in any birthday or meeting with children. Its delicious flavor and the creaminess of the coverage will be a success.

It is a very simple recipe whose "special" point is the onion and gorgonzola sauce that they like so much. Also by calling them special, already we create an expectationn that the little ones in my house love them and make them ask me always. "Make us burgers of those specials, please… ."

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 4 mini hamburger buns, 1/2 onion, 100 g of pasteurized milk gorgonzola, assorted lettuce, 200 g of minced meat, salt and a pinch of baking soda

How to make special mini-hamburgers with candied onion sauce and gorgonzola

Prepare the minced meat by putting it in a bowl with a little salt and optionally add an egg yolk or a tablespoon of mustard. (I don't add it) We knead lightly and we form 4 balls that we let rest so that the meat is amalgamated.

To make the special sauce of our mini hamburgers, we cut the onion very chopped and put it in a pan to simmer so it doesn't burn. We add a pinch of baking soda that will help us caramelize it faster.

Always over low heat, we move until the onion is starting to brown. So, add the gorgonzola cheese cut into pieces and stir until it melts with the onion making a delicious cream with sweet flavor and cheese aroma.

Brown the grilled hamburgers in the pan, and turn them over, add a teaspoon of the "special" onion and gorgonzola sauce on each. Toast the breads and assemble the hamburgers, serving them immediately.

Processing time | 30 minutes
Difficulty | Easy


You can add classic sauces like ketchup, mayonnaise or mustard to hamburgers but I prefer to serve these Special mini burgers with candied onion sauce and gorgonzola cheese no more added than a few leaves of lettuce mezclum not to cover its delicious flavor.

Video: Kid-Friendly Mini Burgers. Cooking For Kids (July 2024).