No, the moon does not influence that there are more births and here you have the demonstration

It is very common that when a woman is close to the date of birth both she and her family begin to look at the lunar calendar to see when she will probably go into labor. If the full moon is near, they are quite clear that it will be that day. If it is far, but soon there will be some phase change, then it will be that.

The truth is that no, the moon does not influence that there are more births when there is a full moon or phase change. In fact, as far as it is known, it does not influence anything related to our bodily functioning, so the myth of the moon and births is becoming one of those that will last for decades, simply because it has been believed in it for too long. Like the myth that says that if you shave your hair with a blade it comes out stronger, that there is no way to deny it.

There are several studies that have shown

Already in 2011 we talked about it: the moon does not influence childbirth, we told you. But this does not go back to 4 years ago, but to practically 40, when a study was published that already showed that there was no relationship between births and the moon phase. Forty years and there are still people who believe that such a relationship exists.

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In 2004, a study carried out in Barcelona collected data related to the income and phases of the moon. According to the researchers, there was a relationship between both (something like "full moon days more people go to the emergency room"). Now the study has been re-analyzed, taking the raw data again and the opposite has been concluded, that there is no difference. That is, it seems that there were methodological errors when interpreting the data and that is why the conclusions were wrong.

The new study, with these data, has been published recently, the work of Jean-Luc Margot, a professor of planetary astronomy at the University of California (UCLA).

According to Margot, science has already shown that the moon has nothing to do with the number of car accidents, hospital admissions, the results of surgery, cancer survival rates, menstruation, the births, complications in childbirth, depression, violent behaviors and even criminal activity. Come on, if it has nothing to do with all this, you will tell me how it affects us that the moon is in one phase or another.

Why do we keep believing?

How is it possible that after 40 years you still believe in it? Because the myth it is still transmitted, even in hospitals. If you are going to give birth and a professional in your white or green coat tells you that it is true, that more pregnant women are attended on full moon days, the myth is still alive. I live, because even if you tell that mother that she is false, she will say that of "my midwife told me" or "my gynecologist told me." And that seems to give more credibility than anyone who does not work in a delivery room can say.

In Babies and more The phases of the moon do not influence births: it is a myth

Another reason is that we tend to confirm what we believe with the facts. If, for example, we think that the days of a full moon the animals are more nervous and the children more naughty, if one day it coincides that they do something and it is a full moon (or phase change) we will say that it is the moon, while if another They are equally unruly day, we will look for another explanation, but we will not think that the day of the moon was for something else.

Meanwhile, in case this comes to a pregnant woman, the day they tell her she will give birth such a day, because it is a full moon, that she says, if it can be, that It has already been shown that the moon does not affect us at all.

Video: Birth of the Moon (July 2024).