A lazy pet? Wasn't there anything weirder in the store?

What would you do if you find out that you are pregnant and have a cat, a kangaroo, an anteater at home and just adopted a sloth? I think it would open a zoo or something similar, but it is not the case of Alia's parents who saw this as a divine sign and decided to raise everyone together in love and company. and I ask A lazy pet? Wasn't there anything weirder in the store?

Julia and Jason Heckathorn, who are called the parents of this beautiful five-month-old baby have taken care of both of them, the lazy one was also a puppy when they adopted her, and according to them, both "girls" have been inseparable since childhood. Even Julia dresses them together from time to time. If what is not done for a child.

I can think of some questions. Keep in mind that I am not an expert in lazy people, although my high school teacher would probably say the opposite, but that is not the case now. So I wonder: isn't it dangerous to have an animal with claws several centimeters near your baby's face? Once the girl grows up, I mean the human, won't it be a bad influence on her? It must be borne in mind that the average speed of a lazy person should touch despair, more or less.

and here that seems strange to us that people have ferrets and Vietnamese pigs at home, what things do not?