Peques and Más says goodbye to you

Marcos had already told you: Peques y Más is over, as of tomorrow we will not update, although the contents will be visible even a few weeks.

What to say?, On the one hand I am happy (and much) for the experience of sharing my motherhood, and communicating so many important and necessary things about the world of children.

On the other hand I have a difficult feeling to avoid, which mixes sadness and emptiness

I think I should thank all readers for your presence, your loyalty, and your participation with the comments, I have learned a lot from you.

And of course, I would like the blog to have been useful (even if it was a little); and at least that Peques y Más, has served as a reference for you.

Thank you for following Peques and More! A blog that was already a few years ago when I arrived a little before the Spring of 2011, and that has tried to give answers to parents with children at a long stage of life (from five to 12, and often older) ; not exempt from changes and doubts for all.

There is a topic in farewells that ensures that it is better to say see you soon! what goodbay". With some readers I will continue crossing the Social Networks, because I already do it with some assiduity. I will not see you virtually again, so I must wish (and surely Marcos does too) that continue to be present in the lives of your children and enjoy your growth.

It has been a pleasure.