Put hot plates for your children at the table: they comfort and have many benefits

At home we enjoy when the cold comes (and it is not that the temperatures have dropped as appropriate, but something is something), because we love to cover ourselves together on the couch, and eat warm. And it is not that you can not eat hot dishes in summer, but broths, soups, warm creams, stews or stews, how good they feel in autumn and winter!

Now we are not going to explain the differences in each of the dishes I just mentioned, but we would like to tell you the advantages they have for infant feeding, and for everyone's. Let's start with that warm broth that you are looking forward to eating tonight, accompanied by a hard-boiled egg: although nutritionally it has little value (due to the low presence of macronutrients), it tastes good, and also provides fluid to the body that helps us stay hydrated.

If you also turn it into a soup using cereal semolina, cornmeal or bread, you will get the kids to get healthy, yes, a complete soup for dinner, you will have to take it in advance when going to bed.

In my opinion the perfect recipe for broth does not exist, because we each do it according to our tastes, or the ingredients we have at home; You know that it can be made with meat, vegetables, fish. In addition to the noodle soup - for example - you can add chickpeas.

Eat hot in winter

A raw salad, or a salad, also appeals to us even if it's cold, but usually What does the body ask of us? And not only because of the heat provided by hot dishes, is that a very elaborate and energetic dish helps to cope with the rigors of the weather.

When I talk about energy dishes I do not say that we should neglect, unbalancing the contribution of proteins or fats, because although we are not going to show off in a swimsuit, the diet must remain healthy, varied and balanced, and also for children. So that hot chocolate that we would love to drink every day, we leave it only for Sundays.

Hot at noon and hot at night

At every moment of the day, we will adapt to facilitate digestion, and avoid losing calories without burningAn example of this is the typical pasta dish that children like so much. Taken at noon, you feel better thinking about nutritional balance, because there are still hours when children can move and “burn” the sugars in which cereals break down.

Thus, a broth does not matter when you take it, but at noon if it does not turn into soup, or is accompanied with a steak, the kids can stay hungry. On the other hand, do not even think about putting a legume of vegetables at nine o'clock at night so they can eat! It would be very heavy and could cause some digestive disorder.

But do not dismiss the vegetable soup one day a week: it is a hot dish, which provides a lot of fiber and calcium, and In addition, legumes also provide quality vegetable proteins. They are very healthy although they have a bad reputation among children: it is a matter of not losing patience and continuing to offer them every week, even in small quantities until they accept it.

Of purees and creams

The difference with respect to the broths or soups, is that they incorporate abundant vegetables that when cooked can turn into a hand mixer, giving rise to a dish - also hot - gentle, digestive, and that helps intestinal transit.

A cream or puree does not need dairy (cream, melting cheese or portions) to be tasty, because using olive oil as fat and spicing well (herbs, spices) you can get a delicious finish. Another option is to use vegetable cooking cream to enrich.

I do not mean by that that it is forbidden to put a "cheese" on each plate and undo stirring, as is customary in many homes; but It is good for children to get used to puree without dairy, to appreciate the variety of flavors of vegetables.

The variety is very remarkable: carrot, squash, zucchini, cauliflower, potato, leek, ... or several of them combined

Saving with traditional food

Because if we are going to eat all these steaming and appetizing spoon dishes, we don't do it (or not only) because they mean savings. But in practice, even in a few euros a week if it will be noticed: think about dried vegetables, a large pot of broth (useful for several occasions), the vegetables that you would not use if they had no destination in the casserole, or the bones of the chicken that you will not throw after separating the rest of the parts.

And yes, I know that not everyone has time to put a casserole in the fire for a few hours, and although sometimes it is a matter of organization, and cooking on Sunday at least for the first two days of the week, the solutions in form of products ready for consumption, they have their utility, although I don't think they outperform homemade food.

If you allow me to offer some ideas for the preparation of these tasty and appetizing dishes, I will tell you that it is better to cook over low heat (I think it is a practice that should be reinstated), and add the salt at the beginning of cooking, of this form the juice output of the ingredients is enhanced.

And now, You can start thinking about what food you will prepare today to eat, or what warm cream your children will eat with a spoon tonight; Surely they will be very rich.

Images | Eyeliam, Marshall Astor, stu_spivack, Dylan Parker
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