Disney and the Civil Guard sign an agreement for the protection of minors on the Internet

In Disney and in club Penguin They are very committed to the safety of kids on the Internet. A few months ago we talked about the meeting we had with Guillermos Cánovas to talk about the secure Internet, now, we talk again about Disney's number one virtual children's world, because it will collaborate for the first time with the Civil Guard together with the Marvel characters in the protection of minors against risks in the network. In the image you can see the moment of the signing of the agreement concluded in the offices of The Walt Disney Company in Madrid and that inaugurates the beginning of the collaboration.

Arsenio Fernández de Mesa, Director General of the Civil Guard, Simon Amselem, CEO of The Walt Disney Company Iberia and 40 children, have been the protagonists of the first online security course. In celebration of his fifth anniversary, club Penguin continues to reaffirm its commitment to the protection of minors, this time joining the Civil Guard to carry out a collaboration that will consist of raise awareness Over the benefits of safe browsing In Internet. Through a series of workshops and activities taught by the Civil Guard and illustrated by the characters of Club Penguin and Marvel's Avengers, they will be taught more than 9,000 sessions in various educational centers distributed throughout the Spanish territory offering children the opportunity to know the risks of the Internet and learn to face them.

The main contribution of Disney is to allow their characters, who are seen as opinion leaders and close and credible messengers, to reach the children of third and fourth grade They will receive the basic ideas about safe rules of conduct on the Internet. For the students of the last two primary courses, the Marvel universe and the characters of The Avengers will be responsible for effectively transmitting the same messages but adapted to a greater age range, he said Simon Amselem, CEO of The Walt Disney Company Iberia.

club Penguin He has participated and starred in numerous awareness campaigns. In February 2014, the platform launched its most ambitious online security campaign to date, Start for you, in order to give children and families the information and resources they need to navigate safely. With this new initiative, the virtual platform seeks to achieve a new objective and continue to raise awareness among parents and children about the convenience of carrying out proper use of the Internet Getting a satisfactory experience.

We congratulate the Civil Guard and Disney For the commitment and responsibility they have with the children, worrying about offering them a safe environment and encouraging them to learn and have fun on the Internet, obtaining a good experience and tranquility in the families' homes.

Video: Coming For Your Guns A True False Sense of Security (May 2024).