How to wrap the newborn to avoid hip dysplasia

Wrapping the baby is a practice used since ancient times to calm him and provide him with security. The sensation of being wrapped in a sheet or blanket reminds you of the containment you experienced inside the womb, therefore, although the best place for a newborn is the arms, wrapping it can also be a good method.

However. It is necessary to know the correct techniques to wrap the baby, since it is not necessary to immobilize it, since it could be detrimental to the natural development of its bones, especially those of the hip. Therefore, we leave this video about how to wrap the newborn to avoid hip dysplasia.

The bones of newborns are still very flexible and a bad habit when it comes to wrapping them can cause serious joint problems.

Tightening the wrap too much, or an improper wrap, makes the baby's legs straight, when their natural shape is M-shaped, like a frog. Leaving them stiff in parallel can cause the head of the femur, upper leg bone, to be displaced from the hip cavity, causing hip dysplasia in the baby.

We leave you this video in which an expert in hip dysplasia explains how to properly wrap the baby respecting the natural position of their legs and thus preventing this usual problem among newborns.