"Nora and Zoe, two moms for a baby", a story to explain to children with two moms where they come from

The models of families are changing and this diverse reality also reaches the stories for the little ones. In the book "Nora and Zoe, two moms for a baby" It tells the story of two women in love who want to have a baby.

The author of the story is Rosa Maestro, founder of the Masola.org website in favor of family diversity and author of the story "Cloe wants to be a mother", which we already talked about at the time. She also has the beautiful illustrations of Barbara Guillén Feltrer, a graduate in Fine Arts, illustrator and graphic designer.

In this case the protagonists are two women who want to have a baby and for this they receive a magic seed with which they will achieve their dream of creating a family. A new story adapted to different family models and that enables children to grow in tolerance and diversity.

A story adapted to young children (recommended for children between three and eight years old) that also helps to make assisted reproduction techniques more visible, treatments through which 16,000 children are born a year in Spain and on which they should also learn the Children with "traditional" families.

The story to explain where children come with two moms "Nora and Zoe, two moms for a baby" It costs 15 euros and is sold through its own blog or through Amazon.

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