Moms bloggers: Adriana visits us, from the blog We Are Multiple

As you know, for Mother's Day we wanted to invite our house to the moms bloggers more influential to honor them in their day, so we continue our series of interviews with a very special guest, Adriana, from the blog We Are Multiple.

She is a mother of twins, a boy and a girl of 32 months, is a lawyer recycled entrepreneur, editor and Community Manager. Among his favorite hobbies, he confesses that he is addicted to series, chocolate and technology. He also tells us that he shares his life with a super-busy multipad and with a hairy best friend who keeps moving his tail of joy since his children were born.

What led you to start the blog?

I have always loved to write. In addition, I had a very complicated pregnancy that forced me to remain at rest for eight months. During all that time I dedicated myself to reading about multiple pregnancy and motherhood, and I began to follow many blogs of the maternal blogosphere. This is how I discovered that there was very little specific information about multiple motherhood, especially about parenting with attachment and multiple breastfeeding, and little by little I began to "bite the bug."

The intensity of the experience of motherhood, the postpartum so complicated that I spent with my daughter admitted to Neonatos almost two months, the difficulties in establishing breastfeeding with the two in these circumstances, and the loneliness of the puerperium, finally convinced me. I felt that I needed to let off steam and share my experience with other mothers in the same situation so that the situation did not overwhelm me and in the process I could help other people.

What has the blog contributed to you?

My blog, which began as my little window to the world, has gradually acquired its own entity until almost becoming almost another child. The best thing about having created my blog is that fantastic community of moms and dads that has formed around it. And also to have met so many other fantastic blogging moms. World 2.0 is full of wonderful people who are always there to help you out with whatever, or simply, listen to you.

These two years I have also learned a lot about twins, about motherhood, about blogs, about child psychology ... And about a million other things! Having a blog allows me to capture my creativity and is a way of not forgetting those little everyday anecdotes of everyday life. I think it will be a beautiful memory for my children when they are older.

On a personal level, it has taught me to be more disciplined and organized and to overcome my scenic panic when it comes to media and public speaking. And professionally, it has brought me new job opportunities.

"Motherhood is an especially inspiring experience that has made me more creative, braver and much more patient and tolerant of others"

How has motherhood changed you?

Motherhood has changed everything. After three years fighting infertility, I finally feel complete. I never thought I would quit my job and yet I spent two whole years taking care of them full time and I loved the experience. My children have taught me to live more slowly, and to look at those little details that always go unnoticed due to lack of time. They have also taught me that dogmas do not exist, that it is never too late to reinvent itself, that nothing happens to improvise and that nothing is impossible.

Motherhood is an especially inspiring experience that has made me more creative, braver and much more patient and tolerant of others. At the same time, I have also become more critical and I have begun to question many things that I did not stop to think about before.

And, of course, motherhood has made me want to have more children. I never imagined that I would like to be a mother so much!

What is your favorite time of day?

My favorite moment of the day is when they wake up from the nap. They always get up in a great mood. I love to hear the conversations between them through the door. When they get tired of chatting, they come down looking for me shouting “Mom! Mom! ”And they hug me running as if they hadn't seen me in a month. And I, of course, melt in love.

I also love waking up beside him and finding those two creatures so cute sleeping peacefully as if they had never broken a plate. With how naughty they are when they are awake!

What do you like most to do with your children?

Above all, I love to hug them and kiss them. When they leave, of course. Yes, I am the typical heavy mother but, I have to take advantage while they are small!

I also love to go out there with my children; to walk, to run errands, to ride a bicycle… I take them everywhere although it is increasingly difficult to control them, but the departures are also more fun. I love seeing their faces full of genuine curiosity when I teach them something new. For them, the world is a magical place full of interesting things to discover and I am fascinated to see their infinite curiosity for everything around them. I had an incredible desire to live.

We thank Adriana, from the blog We Are Multiple That has given us a little time of his time to be present in our special Moms Bloggers. Tomorrow we will have another luxury guest who will also tell us very interesting things.

Video: Austin & Mommy Outing. Austin Vlog. HiHo Kids (July 2024).