Mom is also the protagonist of the stories

Taking advantage of the fact that Book Day is celebrated today and that soon it is Mother's Day we want to show you some children's stories in which the protagonist is her, mom. Titles that will make mothers, fathers and children have a good time establishing a special relationship.

Actually, it is the children who feel protagonists of these stories, because they are reflected in the situations they pose, in the illustrations, the stories ...

For those children who expect a little brother, for those who want more attention, for those who receive the most varied affectionate names from mom, for those who have very very special moms ... for all of them there are a story with mom as the protagonist.

  • "Duckling looks for his mother", by Rocía Antón (Editorial SM). This story is a friendly and humorous adaptation of the classic "The ugly duckling" with which the child will learn to anticipate the content of each page, with the help of rhymes and drawings, and learn to know himself better.

  • "My mom"by Anthony Browne (Economic Culture Fund). The words in this book are accompanied by illustrations and a typographic game that gives them greater emotion. In different scenarios, the author tells us about different types of moms: movie stars, astronauts, cooks, jugglers, painters, dancers; mothers who can be soft or energetic, who can sing like an angel or roar like a lion ... In the end, it is certain that mom loves her child, and it will always be that way.

  • "Mom laid an egg (or how children are made)", by Babette Cole (Destination). An ideal book for those who expect a little brother, since it explains with great humor where the children come from, investing wit the roles of sexual explanations between parents and children.

  • "Julio's mom expects a baby"by Christian Lamblin (Edelvives). Like the previous story, a new member will arrive in the family. Julio is worried because his mother gets very tired and she explains that she will have a little sister. Things are no longer as before and Julio feels a little jealous. But when the baby arrives, even though sometimes he cries, Julio loves him very much.

  • "I love you" and "Dear Mom", by Helen Ford (Editions B). Some time ago I told you about these cute little books of poems dedicated to Mom, with beautiful illustrations of the characters from Hallmark's gift cards, Country Companions: Ed Tejón, Tom Ratón, Sam Conejo and Bill Hedgehog.

  • "I love my mom!"by Tony Roos (Eitorial SM). This is one of the books of the Little Princess, that cute cartoon character known to many kids. The princess knows that her mother always solves everything, but what happens when she is not there? One day the little duchess invites her to her palace to celebrate a party. The princess has a hard time going, but when she is there she has a great time. However, her mother, the queen, misses her a lot ...

  • "Let's go shopping, mom"by Bette Westera (Edelvives). A beautiful illustrated story that presents a daily situation that probably more than one have lived. What happens when we return from shopping with mom and the child realizes that he has lost his beloved bear?

  • "31 uses for mom"by Harriet Ziefert (Everest). A fun book that makes children think about everything that a mother is capable of: clock, doctor, bank, companion of walks ... A wonderful "multi-purpose mom".

  • "Mom doesn't know my name"by Suzanne Williams (SM). It's a funny story that shows the affectionate nicknames that Mom calls her little daughter Ana. When she's going to pick her up in the morning, for example, she calls her "my little chick" or when they dance together "my little monkey", or zucchini, little mouse , pichoncita ... everything but Ana! The illustrations show these funny "transformations" of Ana.

  • "The Great Mom makes the world", by Phyillis Root and illustrations by Helen Oxenbury (Kókinos). Perhaps this is the least conventional of the stories dedicated to mom that we collect here. Because in reality it is a recreation of the biblical myth of the creation of the world in seven days, only this time it is a woman, a mother, who carrying her baby on her arm will shape the world ...

We hope you enjoy your children with these stories in which mom is the protagonist. Tender and funny stories that hook little ones. And don't forget on a day like today, where books are celebrated, read them a story before going to sleep.

Video: The Ending Of I Am Mother Explained (July 2024).