It is better to expand at home

Many couples who are about to be parents believe, in large part because of film and television, that deliveries happen in a matter of minutes, that you run a lot or the child goes out in the car, and the reality is very different because A birth is a matter of hours, and not a few (as a general rule).

Being a matter of hours there are two possible places to wait for the delivery to arrive: the hospital or your home. Many mothers prefer to be in the hospital because it gives them more confidence to be in a safe environment, however, if they arrive too soon it is possible that they "send" them home again because it is better to expand at home.

The dilation phases

Before giving birth you have to dilate and the dilation is divided into two phases, the latent phase and the active phase. The latent phase, the one that happens until the mother is 4 cm, it is not known how long it lasts because it is difficult to say when a woman has given birth. The active phase, in which the woman dilates from 4 to 10 cm and in which the contractions are more regular lasts 8 hours on average in primiparous mothers and 5 hours in those who have already had a child, being the limit of 18 and 12 hours respectively.

Come on, that only in the second phase of the dilation can a mother be waiting half a day. Imagine if we add the time that passes to reach 4 cm. dilatation

At home it dilates better

Dilation time depends largely on the environment and the situation of the moment. The best place to dilate is where the woman can be comfortable, where they don't bother her and where she doesn't have to be talking or giving explanations.

At home, you have the freedom to be where you want, to lower the lights or blinds, to send everyone for a walk, to get into the water, get out, lie down, walk around, move around and do whatever seems best in each time to go through contractions in the best possible way.

In a hospital, on the other hand, freedom is less, major interruptions and it is more difficult for women to be disinhibited, negatively affecting dilation and lengthening labor.

Therefore it is recommended to wait at home, to dilate quietly, and go to the hospital when the contractions are already very continuous and rhythmic. As a general rule it is recommended to go when they are regular and happen every 5 minutes, but I think it could still be a little soon (I just think so, I do not affirm it).

Video: Here's how to expand your house. .without the headache (July 2024).