New shopping centers: thinking of children ... but not so much

This morning I was struck to know that the new shopping centers that open in Galicia will have to meet certain conditions related to babies and children. In principle we might think, for some of them, "Good, a shopping center friend of children", but then we see ... that not so much.

It will not be me who criticizes the nursing rooms and changing rooms for babies, since I have been assiduous to them in the shopping centers. Although on the other hand it would be convenient to remember, since undesirable situations continue to be experienced, that the fact that there is a nursing room does not mean that the woman is obliged to breastfeed in it.

That is, mothers who wish to breastfeed their babies where they please without being reprimanded for it (the looks of strangeness is more difficult to achieve).

About the baby changing area (which is usually the same as breastfeeding, when it would be better if there were changers also in another area, everything must be said), I have always found it more comfortable to clean the baby in that place better conditioned for it.

Especially with the major waters, and if they are baby, you already know how they are spent and they escape from all sides: we need a good “field of operations” for cleaning.

But anyway, with respect to the peeps they are much simpler to change and with practice we are able to do it in any corner in the stroller or on the knees and without anyone knowing. So I also hope that you can continue to choose where to change the little one.

In summary, I think it's great that the law says that both changing rooms and nursing rooms are mandatory for new shopping centers (in fact, they should be for old ones), because they take into account the needs of many mothers, babies and children and make their lives easier.

Playrooms for children to be calm? No, for you to buy quietly

The second part of the news is what has caught my attention the most. Look that the malls have been running for some time, but only in recent years will you have seen the proliferation of toy libraries or “emergency nurseries” as I call them.

That a mall is forced by law to have one of these spaces only demonstrates that the idea is extended that with our children it is complicated to do something quietly. And yes, I know that shopping with children is less relaxed than doing it alone, but it can also be more fun and we can teach children a lot.

As in these shopping centers of the shopping centers they do not usually accept children under two or three years old (that is, when they are no longer in a cart and it is easy to take them from here to there by the mall), I will tell you my experience with my little daughter .

It's been about a year since we took the baby carriage through the mall, and the first two or three times were sooooo complicated, I still remember it with some regret. One of the occasions I even had to go back to the car with her because it was impossible for her not to escape, to throw herself on the floor, tantrums ...

She of course wanted to explore and live "her freedom" in a place she doesn't perceive as dangerous, and I only saw dangers (oh, Carrefour's halls ...) and also saw that she was unable to buy what she had to buy in time. intended for it.

It would have been much easier to leave the girl in the playroom, but that would mean that we would do it again and again each time we returned to the mall, with the consequent expense.

But especially with the consequent lack of teaching my daughter, who today is able to accompany us to the mall or supermarket, I will not say that quietly, but understanding what she can and cannot do. Of course, it is clear that shopping with children takes longer.

I, when I have little time, one of two, or I do not go to the mall or if there is someone from the family who can stay with the girls, the better. But I will not buy to leave them in the playroom.

We do the favor to businesses

Nor do I leave them in the playroom for one last issue that bothers me a lot, and that is what you want to mask as a "favor" to parents (which in turn extends the idea that children do nothing but bother) is really just a strategy for parents to buy quietly, at ease, investing much more time and money in those purchases.

In short, providing many more benefits to the mall. Come on, if you think about it a little more these shopping centers of the shopping centers should be free, since they allow parents to spend their money in stores and restaurants in a way that they probably would not do with their children.

So, in times of crisis, a tip if you do not want to spend so much in the mall: do not leave children in the toy stores. To accompany you and everything will go faster and cheaper ...

If the shopping centers really want to think about the little ones, that they put us funny shopping carts where they can sit, that they tend to be safe spaces for them and have places where they can play, that the restaurants are friends of the children with menus and adequate spaces ...

And incidentally they think of families and put better prices on everything so that we encourage them to go out and consume more, than with growing children, where they eat two do not eat four ... and they would also do better to eat four.

Anyway, what the new shopping centers think of children, but not as much as it might seem at first ... We applaud some measures but we lack (or we have left) others.

Photos | Happyworker and Htlcto on Flickr
More information | ABC
In Babies and more | The shopping center that prohibited breastfeeding rectifies, special rooms for breastfeeding in public places, encourage breastfeeding or hide ?, To the supermarket with children

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