Income 2018: the boxes of the draft of the declaration that interest you most if you are a father or mother

It is often said that children are born with bread under their arm. And, at least in fiscal terms, that's right. From the moment your first child is born and the Treasury has proof, your tax situation changes completely, and you will start paying less taxes, at least until the child turns 25.

But how is this new circumstance completed in the income statement? Although in most cases we will not have to do anything, because this information is already reflected in the draft, You will be interested to know which are the most important boxes in order to check if all the data is correct or, otherwise, how they are filled.

Family situation - Boxes 75 to 82

The first step is Inform the Treasury that we have descendants under 25 years of age in our care. This information should be informed already after filling out the model 145 of the Tax Agency, of communication of data to the payer, where we will inform about the change of our family circumstances.

In boxes 75 to 82 of page 2 of Web Income will be reflected all this information:

  • Box 75: NIF / NIE of our son, if he has one.
  • Box 76: Surname and name of the child, in this order.
  • Box 77: date of birth of the child.
  • Box 78: date of adoption or permanent foster care.
  • Box 79: disability code, if you have it.
  • Box 80: bonding, which will not be filled in the case of children or common descendants of the first declarant and the spouse.
  • Box 81: order number, in case the link is 3 or 4.
  • Box 82: other situations not reflected in the previous boxes.

Minimum by descendants - Box 0513

The minimum by descendants is the amount that increases the minimum tax exempt for each child under 25. The amounts are as follows:

  • € 2,400 per year for the first.
  • € 2,700 per year for the second.
  • € 4,000 per year for the third party.
  • € 4,500 per year for the fourth and following.

These amounts will increase by € 2,800 when the descendant is under 3 years old, and will be applied jointly to both taxpayers when the child lives with both spouses. For example, a couple who has a two-year-old child will see their personal minimum increased by € 2,600 each (€ 2,400 because he is the first child, € 2,800 because he is less than three years old and divided by two). This information is reflected in boxes 0513 and 0514.

The minimum by descendants will be added to the minimum of the taxpayer which, in general, is € 5,550, and the sum will be reflected in boxes 0519 and 0520.

Deductions for maternity and childcare expenses - Boxes 0611 and 0613

In addition to the increase in personal and family minimum, the Tax Agency contemplates a series of additional deductions that reduce the differential fee (That is, what the Treasury returns to us or what we have to pay as a result of the income statement).

The first one is the maternity deduction, an aid of € 1,200 per year for working mothers (and, therefore, who have contributed to Social Security) and who have children under 3 years. This assistance is requested either in advance by submitting Form 140, prepaid, at a rate of € 100 per month, or through box 0611.

In her, we must inform of all the monthly contribution bases (which appear on the payroll), and where appropriate, of the months in which the child is entitled to maternity deduction (remember that this deduction is available until the child turns 3. For example, if our child has fulfilled in April of last year, we will be entitled to 4 months deduction.

Since this year, in addition, there is the possibility of including a new daycare deduction for working mothers. The requirements are the same as in the previous case, with the addition that expenses will have to be justified in childcare centers or nursery schools. The maximum of this assistance to working mothers is € 1,000, and we can review it in box 0613.

In Babies and more, have you had a child in 2018? This is how maternity and paternity leave is reflected in your income statement

Deduction for descendants with disabilities in charge - Casillas 0614 to 0624

Taxpayers will have the right to receive a deduction of up to € 1,200 per year for each descendant with a recognized disability that meets certain requirements.

Like maternity and childcare deductions, this deduction also reduces the differential fee, and is entered between boxes 0614 and 0624.

Autonomous deductions

Each autonomous community regulates deductions from a portion of the personal income tax, which has to do with the regional section. In most of them it is possible to include cases of maternity, paternity, large family and school expenses, among others, which also reduce the amount of personal income tax to pay.

The boxes to be used depend on the Autonomous Community where the taxpayer files the return. In Castilla y León, for example, the boxes where these deductions should be applied range from 0985 to 0992. In the Community of Madrid, they range from 1039 to 1045 and in Catalonia it is box 1000. In Web Rent, can be found on page 47.

Children deduct more than you might think. Therefore, it is important that you review your draft to verify that all these circumstances are duly informed.

Video: New Tax Laws For 2018 Real Estate and Small Business TAXMAGEDDON-Webinar REPLAY (July 2024).