During pregnancy, safe foods more than ever!

Yesterday we saw that training courses for pharmacists are being carried out in the Basque Country so that they can advise women during pregnancy, especially in matters of medical conditions and medications. Today we receive news in the same direction, in Catalonia pharmacists will advise pregnant women on nutrition.

And is that women often make frequent consultations in pharmacies during pregnancy, asking about the discomfort they present and the medications they can take, although they also usually advise on dietary issues.

Catalan pharmacies will distribute food safety advice to pregnant women, thanks to an agreement between the Department of Health of the Generalitat and the Council of Pharmacists of Catalonia, in collaboration with the Catalan Agency for Food Safety (Acsa).

Under the motto "During pregnancy, safe foods more than ever!", the triptych collects nutritional advice for pregnant women, taking into account that during pregnancy it is more necessary than ever to follow a good diet to contribute to the good development of the fetus.

All pharmacy establishments will have leaflets with food tips, prepared in collaboration with the Catalan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Catalan Association of Midwives, the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, and the Institute of Research in Nutrition and Food Safety of the University of Barcelona (UB).

It is recommended to eat five daily pieces of fruit and vegetables and distribute the daily meals in five or six moments, without having to eat for two. It is also advised to reduce salt intake, eat fish twice a week and avoid alcohol.

In addition, incorporating recent recommendations for food safety, remember to avoid blue fish such as swordfish and tuna (due to the accumulation of mercury); raw meats (for toxoplasmosis) and fresh or soft cheeses (for the risk of listeriosis) are also inadvisable.

They also remember the safety tips for handling food (cleaning, cooking, separating and cooling) and the importance of drinking plenty of water.

In short, we hope that this campaign “During pregnancy, safe foods more than ever! I reached many professionals, future moms and their families to help have a healthy pregnancy and healthier babies.

Video: 15 Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy - Healthy Pregnancy Diet (July 2024).