Highlights in Babies and more: October 10-16

Like every start of the week, today it's time to review the most outstanding contents we have published in Babies and more over the past week. These days we continue with our Special Infant Feeding, in which we will deal with everything that has to do with the feeding of the little ones.

In it, we have seen varied recipes for children between one and two years, and also talked about the problem of offering too much salt at meals and the low consumption of fruit by children and families in general.

Among the most read posts is impressive, incomprehensible and worrisome news, that of the girl who could have received 30 bites at the nursery. Some more pleasant images, that of the videos of the birth of a chimpanzee and of a delivery not intervened in the hands-knees position have been seen by many readers.

The criticism at the beginning of Estivill's new book has also aroused the interest of readers, as always happens with everything related to the author's publications that generate so much debate. It also generates controversy the last of the breeding practices analyzed, among the ten most controversial, home education.

With respect to children's intellectual developmentWe have talked about the bits of intelligence, the advantages of bilingual children and an interesting guide for the promotion of children's reading.

Yesterday we published many topics that have interested readers, such as those referring to the doll "Nenuco crib sleeps with me", which promotes the colecho since childhood, and the cartoons in favor of equality between fathers and mothers, "The evolution of man to homo-dad. "

Finally we remind you that you can still answer The question of the week, which this week is "What was your child's first word?" See you in the answers!

In October we continue working to bring you interesting topics about babies, pregnancy, childhood, fatherhood and motherhood, and next week we will review again Babies highlights and more.

Video: Mis HIGHLIGHTS son los MEJORES! #PVT 101618 (July 2024).