How babies see until the year of life

One of the great doubts of many parents is to know how babies see when they are born and how they do it as they grow. There are mothers who have asked me, when your baby is several weeks old, if you see him, to which I answer that of course, that from the first day.

Now, for a child to see does not mean that he sees perfectly well, but quite the opposite, his vision in the first months is very limited and as time goes by he distinguishes more colors and focuses his eyes more (that's why newborns are they put vizcos, because they see well what is at a distance of about 30 cm, but they are not able to focus objects or more distant people).

To know graphically how babies see, Chicco has developed an online application in which we can see how is the vision of babies when they are born, at 3 months, at 9 and finally at 12.

The application, whose name is Chicco Color Research, it is nothing more than an image made in the first person, as if what is seen is the baby's gaze, shown in full color and a kind of magnifying glass, that we move with the mouse throughout the image, within which is the that would be the real vision of a baby, according to the age we have selected.

Seeing the image of the newborn I was shocked to see that no distance is focused, but that everything is out of focus, when it is said, as I have explained, that Babies of a few days are able to focus on objects or people that are at a distance of about 30 cm.

In addition the image is in black and white, something that seems not to generate too much consensus, because in some places they say that children see in black and white because cones and canes are not yet developed and in others they say they do see in color (before the doubt, each one that embraces the theory that he likes the most).

After three months I was surprised to see that the approach is still very poor, as they comment on this page, for what I understood. About the ninth and twelfth months I say nothing, because the vision is practically perfect and small variations are not decisive.

In addition to seeing how the baby's vision evolves, Chicco It offers images of toys designed for each stage, depending on the type of vision of babies at that age.

Without further ado, I leave you with the link to visit the Chicco Color Research and judge for yourself. I already say that I think babies see differently, so I will have to investigate more about it to get out of doubt.

Website | Chicco Color Research Via | Pequelia In Babies and more | The baby's eye color, How our baby sees, How to detect vision problems in children

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