New benefit for parents of hospitalized children with serious illness

We already announced that the benefit was close, but as of January 1, 2011 is a reality. At least within the pain that families with sick children live, it is a joy to know that there is a new benefit for parents of children hospitalized with cancer or other serious illness.

Since this year, parents, adopters or foster parents have the right to receive a Social Security benefit equivalent to the reduction for cutting their hours of work to care for their children under 18.

A hospitalized child needs his parents' company 24 hours a day, and is entitled to it. Like parents, they feel that their time must be one hundred percent in the care of their children. Many parents leave their jobs and even have to move to another city so that their child receives the appropriate treatment, ceasing to receive his salary and adding suffering to a situation that is already dramatic.

The social benefit for parents of hospitalized children with serious illness It is included in the law of General State Budgets for 2011 and to access it it will be necessary to be affiliated with Social Security and have the minimum contribution, the same required for contributory maternity.

As we can see in the Social Security information "the amount consists of a subsidy equivalent to 100% of the regulatory base that is established for the provision of temporary disability derived from professional contingencies, and in proportion to the reduction experienced by the workday", which will have to be at least 50 percent. The nuance is that the right will be recognized to one of the two parents.

Without a doubt, it is good news for families with sick children who have to completely modify their lives to take care of the little ones.

I leave you with a video that opens our eyes to the situation of the 3,000 families with children hospitalized for serious illness in Spain.

Video: Inpatient Pediatric Rehabilitation at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (July 2024).