Free Breastfeeding Guide for health professionals

The Government of La Rioja again provides a magnificent document for all those mothers who want to breastfeed and especially for all those professionals who want to help mothers to do so.

Just as it happened a couple of years ago, they now publish a Breastfeeding guide, this time for professionals, with the clear objective of offering information to pediatricians and nurses who care for mothers in the postpartum period so that they can be of help in the education and resolution of problems of mothers who breastfeed their babies.

Breastfeeding rates are very high when mothers leave the hospital, however, as the weeks go by and especially as the months go by, the numbers plummet and, at six months, when most mothers they should continue breastfeeding because it is the most advisable for babies, only a quarter do it.

It is for this reason that all information that can help is invaluable, as is this guide. Only 500 copies have been printed, but this is not a problem because, in the era of information on the network and the responsibility for caring for our planet, we can find this document on the internet, specifically on the page of Rioja Salud.

I have been looking at the guide a bit and, although there is some subject on which I could dissent in some concepts (such as mastitis and candidiasis, but because much progress is being made on this subject, day by day), it is true that there are others who a few months ago were not treated or known and in the guide I have seen them present.

This makes it a highly recommended document, above all, for those people who have basic notions about breastfeeding and for those professionals who want to update themselves (or learn, that in the pediatric career, for example, this matter is hardly given).

Video: How to use a breast pump. Breastfeeding (June 2024).