Pros and cons of pacifier use

When a baby is born it is important to consider whether we prefer to use a pacifier or not.

There are parents who consider it a bad habit in which it is better not to start it, while others see it as an effective way to reassure the baby.

Maybe we should make a balance of advantages and disadvantages to decide which is the best option.


  • Calm the baby because its shape reminds the mother's breast: there are many models of teats, both rubber and silicone. Find the one that is most enjoyable for your baby.

  • It helps to sleep it. By having it in your mouth, if you wake up at night, any shock will make you suck again and go back to sleep.

  • It is preferable that you use the pacifier to have your finger or hand sucked. I say it from experience, because my baby rejects the pacifier but spends the day with his hand in his mouth. Then the pacifier disappears, but the hand does not.

  • It has been shown that it could reduce the risk of sudden death.


  • The dependency it creates. Once you get used to the pacifier you can not do without it, you have to take it everywhere.

  • Abusive use and for a long period of time can be detrimental to your dental oral health.

  • The time to remove it is difficult to cope with.

  • Abusive use by parents as a resource to calm the baby instead of using other methods.

Indeed, pacifiers work to calm the baby. In fact, thousands of pacifiers don't stop selling every day around the world.

The question is whether it really is an essential item. You will see.

Video: Pacifiers - Akron Children's Hospital video (July 2024).