Prodigy of the battery with three years

Without words I've stayed to see this little battery prodigy with only three years. Some innate quality must have, apart from the rehearsal hours that I imagine their instructor must have provided (of course, a battery-loving father).

The boy's name is Howard Wong, and from a very young age he plays with his father's group. He lives in Malaysia, although he is of Chinese descent. The coordination shown by the child, the sense of rhythm and "knowing how to be" before the public seem to indicate that we are facing a future artist ... We will have to wait a few years to verify it.

However, I am not saddened that the video is not made in the intimacy of the home but in a kind of fair or exhibition in which the child, alone, demonstrates his abilities before a large audience. I don't know about you, but I don't like this kind of children's exhibitions, no matter how much talent the little ones have.

I'm funny and I'm surprised to discover the talent that a boy or girl may have, like this battery prodigy with three years, or other children's talents we have talked about, because they are unusual and the little ones enjoy it. But the fact that they trade with it, or that their childhood is stolen to devote themselves to talent, seems less acceptable to me.

Video | Youtube On Babies and more | The baby who dances like Beyoncé, Video: the most agile skating babies, The video of the climbing girl, The video of Happy pepe

Video: HD Lyonya Shilovsky - 3 Years Old Russian Drummer Leads Orchestra of Adult Musicians (July 2024).