The older the mother, the greater the grandfather

We have spoken on more than one occasion of the best age to be a mother. It is evident that the best age, at the biological level, is when the woman is more fertile and has more energy to take care of her children, however, there are other factors such as economic stability, the relationship or the feeling of “being prepared ”Weighing as much or more than age.

For these reasons, and perhaps also for more idle ones ("we want to travel before having children", "we want to enjoy life" ...), couples are having their first child at a relatively advanced age, at 29.31 years ( 2006 data) and the trend seems to be increasing (29.07 years in the year 2000).

This makes parents of parents, that is, grandparents, are growing. It is not difficult to see "dominoes" grandparents on the street (those who, because of their age, lived a few years ago the tranquility of being able to sit down and throw some dominoes in the bar with friends or at home with the woman), pulling carts with babies who hardly sit still, a situation that makes one think, because of the work and fatigue that these children generate.

It is for this reason that the age factor of the grandparents, if they are going to be caregivers, could be a fact to consider when considering the time to be a mother and father.

The relationship with grandparents, a priceless treasure

Surely if we asked anyone about his relationship with his grandparents, he would look up to evoke those moments and with a half smile he would explain "what times those when ...".

The relationship of children with grandparents is one of the greatest treasures that our children can have, because, as they say: "Children are raised and grandchildren are spoiled."

Grandchildren and grandparents establish bonds of trust, friendship and complicity with each other that generate a two-way transfer of elements that interests both parties. Children can count on the experience of grandparents, adults full of information with time and patience to transmit it and grandparents with the innocence of children, little newcomers, eager to learn, full of joy and happiness, that illuminate the days of their grandparents, when age begins to darken, in a way, their lives.

But the energies diminish

Over the years, grandparents' energies tend to diminish. They sleep less, the pains and evils multiply and many adore their grandchildren, but they feel exhausted by leaving them again with their parents.

I know that a case is nothing more than that, an anecdote, but I cannot forget the story of a man who took care of his grandchildren every day, whom my mother-in-law asked him one day, seeing him tired waiting on the bench at the door of the school: "Are you all right?" The man sighed and, complaining, said: “I am so tired… but this nobody sees. No one realizes". The next day he passed away.

If your parents are going to take care of them ...

I know that few couples will consider this when it comes to putting on the table the pros and cons of being parents, but maybe they should. If grandparents are the ones who are going to take care of them, don't expect too much (if it can be), or they will be older and they will feel tired to take care of a child (or several, if we have more than one or if our siblings also have them) at the time when more energy is spent and more energy is spent .

Photos | Flickr - crimfants, Tanki
In Babies and more | Grandparents nanny, My mother will stay with my son: does she come or will I take it ?, The best age to have children, The best age to have the first child is between 25 and 29 years

Video: Age problem. Father 3 times older than son and will be twice as old in 10years find age (July 2024).