Precautions when going to the beach: solar radiation

We still have a few summer days left and for many, the holidays begin in this second half of August. We go to the beach or the pool with the children and it is certainly one of the most fun activities for them, in addition to providing them with all the benefits of outdoor exercise. They can play with the sand, bathe, run free and be with other children. But all these activities in full sun and in the water have their dangers and it is very important not to forget the prevention of problems that may arise from this. Must take precautions with solar radiation.

Receiving sunlight is good for health, increases our sense of well-being and happiness and also helps to synthesize vitamin D, but it has dangers if taken without proper precautions; burns, heat stroke and predisposition to develop skin cancer in the medium or long term.

Children under six months should not be exposed to direct sunlight, or use protective creams without express indication from the pediatrician. Its skin is very thin and delicate, and both direct sun and creams are contraindicated.

Young children are especially sensitive to burns. I remember, when I was a girl with very clear and blond skin, that every summer I ended up with a reddened back or with blisters, and today I am very careful with my son.

In principle we must rule out going down to the beach between 12 and 17 or 18 hours, to make sure that the sun's rays reach them very smoothly. In addition, you have to get used to and develop them to develop the appropriate customs of photoprotection. That the radiation also arrives if the day is cloudy is one of the issues that we most easily forget and have to influence.

To protect ourselves from the sun, clothes are the safest. With a wide cotton t-shirt the child will be well protected, it is important to also apply creams on the exposed areas and wear a cap. Clothing must be dry.

With a good cap he prevent burns in the most sensitive and exposed areas: face, neck and ears. And if we carry an umbrella we will make sure we have a suitable shade for the rest periods.

It is essential to use sunscreen creams suitable for children, with the most convenient index for their phototype and resistant to their games and bathrooms. The pharmacist will advise us which ones we should use in each case.

With these general measures we can enjoy with our children the beach safely, protected from burns and dangerous radiation.

Video: Can You Be Allergic To Sunlight? (July 2024).