Increases the detection of breast cancer in pregnant women

On the occasion of the VI International Symposium of the Spanish Breast Cancer Research Group (GEICAM), the doctor of the Medical Oncology Service of the Valencian Institute of Oncology (IVO), Amparo Ruiz, warns about the increased breast tumors that are detected in pregnant women, one every three thousand.

According to Dr. Ruiz, breast cancer is increasing in the female population in general, and suggests that in addition to genetic factors, lifestyle influences, a factor in the diet. He also considers that the delay in maternity is part of this rise in the rate of breast cancer, since he states that having children while young reduces the risk of breast cancer. The primary thing is an early detection of the tumor, but in the case of a pregnant woman it can take three times longer to be detected than in a non-pregnant woman, this implies an increased risk of metastasis, with a delay in diagnosis of 3 to 6 months , increases the risk of dissemination of the tumor by 5-10%. This delay is due to the fact that every pregnant woman undergoes changes in her breasts, so all appreciation is adduced to pregnancy.

According to the oncologist, breast cancer can be treated almost without risks to the fetus, only during the first trimester of pregnancy there are risks to certain treatments, in addition, the termination of pregnancy before the detection of the tumor does not increase the survival of patients. Dr. Ruiz also recalled that After breast cancer it may not be necessary to wait two years to seek pregnancy.

Video: Treating High Risk Breast Cancer Patients (July 2024).