The season of the year it is born influences the health of the baby

It is not about predictions of any horoscope. Although it may seem a lie, it is the conclusion of several scientists in various studies that ensure that The time of the year a baby is born affects your health.

For example, people born in the fall are more at risk of panic attacks and men are more likely to be alcoholics.

Some studies agree that the key is in the sunlight that a pregnant woman receives or how the temperature influences it.

According to psychiatrist Emad Salib, of the Peasley Cross Hospital in England, much would have to do with how melatonin, a hormone that decreases with daylight and regulates the sleep-wake cycle, influences pregnancy and the first months of life of baby.

High levels of melatonin during pregnancy, that is, during the months of greater sunlight, would be the cause of a greater tendency for the baby to suffer from psychiatric illnesses in the future.

For its part, the expert in eating disorders Beth Watkins, points out that it is the effects of the seasons in which they are conceived that influence the eating disorders.

He showed, for example, that babies whose mothers have suffered from anorexia have eight times the risk of suffering from it. In that sense, he found that women related to anorexia became pregnant during the summer months, from July to September, perhaps because of the assumption that high temperatures would give him more energy to gestate.

On the other hand, it is suspected that the lack of vitamin D in winter increases the risk of schizophrenia.

The conclusion, after all this string of theories related to the seasons of the year and the health of the future baby, is that in my humble way of seeing more factors (environmental, genetic, sociological) affect more than the moment when a baby has been conceived or born

Video: What is the most important influence on child development. Tom Weisner. TEDxUCLA (July 2024).