Spain holds the title of the country with the highest child poverty rate in the European Community

In Spain we have suffered an economic growth during the last years, the Spaniards have been able to verify how from the government they have provided diverse aid to third world countries, it has intervened in warlike conflicts (even if in a humanitarian way), a thousand and one actions, some worthy of praise. However, there is not adequate attention for Spanish children, we refer to the data.

One in four children under 18 years of age lives in conditions of moderate poverty and 3% of the child population lives in conditions of severe poverty, moreover, Spain holds the title of the country with the highest child poverty rate in the European Community. Define terms, moderate poverty is when a family has an income of less than 60% of the average income of our society, severe poverty is related to income, by the family of the child, less than 400 euros per month. These are the data provided by a study prepared by Caritas through the Foessa Foundation. What are we going to say? It is necessary to think about others, but we also have to think and help those closest to us, the problems of children in our country should be remedied rather than allocating money for military tasks abroad or assistance from Another type that prove fruitless.

Video: African migration from Europe to China - Docu - 2013 (July 2024).