A guide to reflect on video games

A guide published by the Andalusian Institute of Women reveals the sexist universe of video games. The Didactic Guide for the analysis of video games It aims to be an effective instrument that allows educators and parents to face the universe imposed by these toys increasingly demanded by young people and children, where violence, sexism and racism can become habitual elements.

The tendency of the current video games, in their majority they maintain the hard roles for the man, and those of victim and objects of desire for the woman.

This guide, together with an elaborate signage, has been distributed by all the Huelva school centers to "work it in the classroom throughout the year". Directed mainly for Primary and Secondary, its objective is "to help in the reflection and to establish the work patterns that allow to know the simplifying mechanisms of videogames with respect to reality", especially in regard to the role of men and women, It is still inappropriate. The report on violence and sexism in video games already warned that most video games relate aggressiveness, violence and cruelty to men, while they "appear as objects and victims, or assuming role models that reproduce foreign patterns, most of the times militarists. " In this sense, the guide that has also been delivered in digital format, aims to draw attention to these employers who are instilled in the children through games, while inviting action, "to modify the reality that we do not like, something that will require the sharing of all those involved. " The activities will teach educators, students and even parents to see and interpret properly the contents that videogames show.

Video: Why there are no mirrors in games (July 2024).